NL Investigators S2E3

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"Hey guys?" Shan called from her laptop in the west den. "Any reason why the Inn's twitter is blowing up with these super shady messages?"

The girls all gather around the computer with a confused look on their face. Three messages popped up with the blue dot next to them showing they were unopened. The chat head was nothing but a gray box, no picture and the Twitter name was, "ghostad505" Shan clicks on the message and she begins to mutter audible what was inside,

"Dear Neverland Hostesses, My name is Zak Bagans-"

"OHMYGOOOOOD!" Dee begins to squawk, losing her control and the girls tsk, "Keep going, keep going!"

"My name is Zak Bagans." Shan continued,

"And for years I have been interested in the death of your Head of Manor Mr. Jackson. To cut to the chase, I wanted to inquire about perhaps performing a lockdown inside Neverland Mansion with my paranormal expert crew, if only you release to me if any of you have encountered anything unexplainable. Of course you are more than welcome to decline. I want uphold the most positive of wishes towards Michael and his family. I will not be offended if you turn down. I'll leave my cell number here at the bottom when you have come to a decision. Sincerely Yours, Zak." The girls all winced but Faith speaks up,

"So Dee, who even is this guy? What paranormal experts is he talking about?" She says with air quotes. Dee asks to take the laptop and she opens a new tab in the browser explaining,

"He is the lead investigator of this T.V. paranormal group 'Ghost Adventures.' They are based out of Las Vegas and they've damn near been everywhere doing paranormal investigations in haunted houses. And I do mean everywhere."

She pulls up the crew's homepage on their official website and the girls close in as she begins to scroll down. "Oh wow, they've been to Scotland." Shan sees then points.

"France too." Faith mentions through her glasses.

"Yeah, they even did Dracula's castle in Romania. They're pretty legit." Dee sighs, "But here's the thing. Is Michael really gonna let a crew of guys come through here and try to ghost hunt him. Should we ask Janet?"

"I think Janet would be okay as long as these guys are respectful and are mindful about Michael's past. But true, we don't know for sure. " Shan says putting in.

"Well." Faith says unsure, "There is one party we could ask right this moment."

They all share a grin in sync and they turn their heads up saying,
"Ohhh, MICHAEL?" They leave the west den and begin their way towards Michael's room. Getting to the closed door, Dee goes to politely knock until the handle moves on it's very own. It opens very languid and slow and they enter the room. The light changed. The atmosphere shifted and the air felt easier. Around them was the sunny glow of a bedside lamp and other little gas lights spotting the wall. A toy train chugged along, streaming a cute toy smoke stack and they smiled.
On a vintage record player, spun a record playing Ben King and Nat King Cole. It played on and in the corner they hear him. "What's up, girls?"

He sat curled up across an arm chair with his legs dangling off the side. He wore thin, shiny reading glasses even though it seemed rather ironic. Or maybe that was the point. Along the mantle above his fireplace chattered toy monkeys and square robots. They marched back and forth and a wind up racecar zooms out from under his bed. This was his way of relaxing. Surrounding himself in the things he loved while alive. The toys and the trinkets. He puts his hand up and with a swish. Everything ceased.

The music stopped, the toys did too. Everything was silent and he closes the Spider-Man comic he skimmed through. He sat up and he asks again removing his glasses and fidgeting his hair. the girls all stood awkwardly and he smiles waiting. Dee clears her throat and she asks, "I'll start this calmly..."

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