NL Chances : (S2 Finale)

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Michael watched the sun come up that morning and he stood on the balcony.

Every morning, he hoped for the same thing he had hoped for the previous morning, to feel the sunlight.

He watched the pink rays bleed into orange and he held out his arms on either side.
He closed his eyes and the rays passed through his spirit. He felt no warmth, no awakening and he sighed.

He felt let down but he knew in the end it was a silly thing to hope for. Instead he smiled and said,
"Thank you god for another morning."

He disappeared into a mist and he moved into the hallway.
He slipped himself into the girls' rooms early in the morning to make sure they had slept okay, firstly he moved through Shan's door.

She wore her 'princess' sleeping mask across her eyes and the duvet on her bed was now a mess in the floor. Her curlers hung loosely and Michael shook his head smiling wide.
"Oh sweety.."

He recovered her softly and she turns over groaning, oblivious.
He patted her shoulder lovingly and he moved downstairs through the floor into Faith's room. Faith had fallen asleep at her computer and a webpage studying the behaviours of UV rays inside a color prism and Michael smiled,
"That stuff bores me too my love."

She wore her shower cap still and he layed her back, closing the laptop and closing her mouth. He covers her into her bed, comfortably and kisses her head.

He travels back up into Dee's room and he sees her bed empty. He looks around and it looked so made like she had never slept.

He became worried and zoomed to his phone upstairs. He sends her a text and it was apparent she was away from her phone. He worried even more and he looks at the calendar. It was Wednesday so Shania had lectures at 9 a.m. She was gonna be up the earliest.

He appeared in her door way and sat on the bed trying to be subtle.
He rubbed her forearm very lightly and he whispered,
"Shania, Shania darling. You've got lecture."

She pulled up her mask and she sleepily groaned, "Michael??..mike?"

She lied on her back and checked her phone,
"I had an alarm set, Mike."
He looked to her and he said with the worry now visible,
"I just wanted to ask where Dee was? I know she wasn't with you guys from that party last night. I'm worried. She isn't home.."

Shania rolled on her side and she says yawning,
"She went home with River last night.."
Michael stood up half furious but cutely and he sneers, "And you just let her go home with that guy?"

Shania pulled her mask back down and she says, "They've been seeing each other for months, momma Michael. It's gonna be okay. They probably just had some alone time."

Michael grimaced and he says, "Oh man that girl is in trouble when she gets home."

~ An hour later~
Michael sat pouting on the sofa that faced the door and Faith and Shania peeked out from the dining room. Michael huffed and puffed in that tantrum way and Shania giggles,
"Are we petty?"

Faith shushes her and she hears the door jiggle, "Sshhsshhhshhh, the ass whooping's about to start."

Michael stood up with a toe tapping sassily against the tile. Dee comes in smiling to the ground with her mini dress from the party still on and Michael clears his throat.

She looks up and immediately swallows in fear.
Michael scowled and he asks, "Where've you been, Dee?"

She smiled sweetly and innocent trying to calm him and she plays it off,
"I had a uhh... a sleepover.."

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