Chapter 4

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He and Hadley were at the rehearsal,the last rehearsal before their Christine would finally appear.

They said 'Hi' to everyone,but were involved in a conversation with Summer. After few minutes Andrew Lloyd Webber came over and asked Summer for a private talk. She had an expression that said "Fired?", Hadley mentally calmed her down as she went with Andrew.

For the day their schedule was:
Why Does she Love me
Devil take the hindmost
Dreadful town
Break for 1 hour
Beauty Underneath

All in all it wasn't so bad.

Devil take the hindmost was a total fun for Ramin and Hadley,especially the part where Phantom grabs Raoul's neck. It reminded them of their roles of Jean Valjean and Javeret.

"Break! Finally!" Hadley sighed and fell on the couch in Ramin's dressing room. He grinned.

" I thought you're excited to Raoul in LND," he said and looked at his phone. Should he call Sierra? Or text her?

"Nah,I am,but it's haaaard," his friend answered sleepily.

" You didn't say the same thing about the 25th anniversary," Ramin said sitting on the couch next to Hadley.

" I didn't have my own solos,if you remember rightly. Buddy,you have more two couches left in your dressing room,why did you sit with me?" Hadley almost fell asleep.

" Because I enjoy...," Ramin started in a half whisper,"ANOYING YOU!" he screamed right in his friend's ear. Hadley jumped up and threw a pillow in Ramin. He started laughing.

" Okay,okay. Have a rest,buddy,I'm going to have a talk with my Gustave..." he grinned again.

" Get out! And say 'Hi' to Jack from me." Hadley answered and closed his eyes.

Ramin headed right to Jack's dressing room. Jack Lyall was a really good boy,he used to be Gustave in Australian version of Love Never Dies. He and Ramin were good friends.

So,Ramin spend an hour with his on stage son and the they both went backstage to be getting ready for Beauty Underneath. Ramin looked at his phone one last time and headed on stage. His part began.

Jack was good,real musical and talanted Gustave.

While singing Ramin had a very strange filling like somebody was staring at him. When he finally turned around he couldn't believe his eyes.

Sierra was standing right infront of him. She was as suprised as he was. Her expression showed happiness,but he could find lonelyness in her eyes.

"Ramin,you have to continue...  Come one!" he thought. But the only thing he could say was " Can it be?" 

His lips moved in another question " Sie? "

He saw her eyes began to fill with tears. Ramin couldn't say wether she was happy or not. He had never seen her like that. She had always been happy and her smile had lighten up the whole room,but it wasn't the cast right now. All Ramin wanted to do was to hug her tight and never let her smile vanish.

"Stop!" he heared Andrew's voice.

Everyone was staring at Ramin,he didn't seem to care. A huge smile was about to appear on his lips,when he saw Sierra's smile. The next thing he remembered was her running towards him,she almost jumped at Ramin and he caught her. He finally had her in his embrace. She held him tight as well as he did. They both felt comfort they wanted to feel all this time.

Ramin lift Sierra up and twisted her around. She was laughing. How he missed her laugh! He missed her,his best friend!

Sierra was crying but she was very happy.

When Ramin let her on the ground,he could see tears and expression of disbelief. She couldn't believe he was here.

"Come on,Sie! Don't you cry!" he laughed watching her with warm smile.

" Shut up!" she said and had him in a big hug. He placed his chin on her forehead.

" Sierra?" she heared her Raoul. How she didn't want to ruin the hug with Ramin,but she had to.

" Hadley!" she said happily and Hadley twisted her around like Ramin did.

" How is this even possible?" Sierra looked at both her best friends.

" ONE BIG HUG" Hadley screamed and the three of them were standing in one big and tight hug.

The best day of Sierra's life.

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