Chapter 10

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Ramin could call that week the worst one! His kids' flight was cancled, which he was very concerned about. Apart from that,something was wrong with Sierra.

  The day he saw her,he thought that rehearsals would be as great as every time working with her.

  Instead, Sierra was avoiding him and his gaze,like she had done something really bad and felt guilty or had a secret from him. During their duets Ramin could see...fear?! Was she afraid of him?! Why? She even "ran" away from him every time he tried to talk to her.

How he prayed that she wasn't being awkward because of their kiss. Yes,it was under odd circumstance and so on,but he definitely didn't feel bad because of it. That kiss made him happier. The woman he loved let him kiss her and even was answering! Yes,he was in love with her. After that kiss he understood everything.  The feelings he had when he saw her were explained through the kiss.  Maybe she was just playing along,but she can't denay what she felt,what they both felt. If she was acting,then her kiss gave her away. Ramin knew her too well,he could say from her kiss if she was herself or in her character.

  Ramin wanted to know,why she rushed back home right away after rehearsals and at the morning she looked more pale than usual. Sierra was his best friend! He would give everything for her sake!

  " OMG!" said Hadley running hard as Ramin was telling him the story from a café, " Did you really fake-propose her? I'd give everything to see that!" Ramin just nodded. He didn't say why he did so,it was only between him and Sierra. When the kissing part came,Hadley gasped with surprise or joy,Ramin didn't get.

  " I'd give my soul to see that! You had courage to do that! And she definitely answered,how could she not! Did it feel good?"he said with a huge grin and raised eyebrow. Ramin almost choked.

" God,Hadley,who are you? A girl? " but Hadley insisted, " It did,happy? Maybe she is avoiding me because of this? Or I did something wrong?" Ramin almost pleaded for answer, but Hadley calmed him down.

  " I'm pretty sure that thought about your kiss lifts Sierra as high as it lifts you,so don't worry about this. Second,she is not that sort of a girl who will be ignoring best friend for,for example,not saying 'Hi' in the morning and you know that better than I do!"

  " Yes,but I'm concerned about her, Hadley!"

  " I know,you are,but,listen,you should talk to her,maybe appear in her appartment or something,"

  " Without being creepy... Okay,thanks,Had!" Ramin waved to his friend and after went to his own dressing room.

  After few minutes Andrew wanted him to come over his offfice,so Ramin did. When he returned after an hour he was about to went to his dressing room he heard Hadley's voice.

  " Sierra Marjory Boggess, you're not going to quit this conversation! "

"What the hell is happening there?" Ramin thought and after 10 minutes Sierra came out Hadley's dressing room with puffy eyes. "She was crying?"

"Sierra!"  he called out her name, but she didn't hear him. He stood there 5 more minutes and then rushed after Sierra.

Sierra turned in a corner and Ramin saw somebody following her. He decided to run after them when he heard her voice, her pleading voice and a loud slap.

  " You're not silly, you knew I've been stalking you all this week. Your biggest mistake is that you didn't tell your fiancé,"

  Fiancé? Ramin realized that it was that man from the café. That's why she was afraid and pale. She knew about him...But why she didn't tell about it?!

When Ramin saw that man, what he was doing to Sierra and what had done, he couldn't remember himself so angry... He was furious. He clinched his fists.

" And where is he when you need him, eh? " the man said. Her lips moved in silent "Ramin".

No! He couldn't bare this!

" Right.Behind.Your.Back! " he hissed angrily.

The man turned around still holding Sierra's throte, that made Ramin more furious, so he knocked that guy out with one strong punch and he fell on the ground with his nose into smithereens with let's of blood on his face.

Ramin had time to catch Sierra before she fell on the ground. Her eyes were closed. It seemed she didn't breath.

  " Don't you dare, Sierra! You're not leaving me!" he stroke her cheeks lightly and after few seconds she gasped for air,but didn't open her eyes. Ramin felt a sigh of relief coming out of his mouth. She was alive! He carefully lift her up and took her to her apartment.

He laid her down in her bed and kissed her forehead. Thank God,she's okay! Ramin looked at her for more two minutes and left the room. He was not going away,No. He decided to stay the night and fell asleep on the couch.

  "Tomorrow will be the longest day ever," was his last thought before falling asleep.


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