Chapter 8

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"And...What about you,Sie?" Ramin broke the silence first. Well,If it was clear about his private life,he would like to know about his best friend's life.

  "Nothing interesting, actually.  Just me and my cats an-," she looked at Ramin and realized what he ment,he raised his eyebrows. " mean....oh.. Well... Now I'm single..."

  " I'm sorry to ask, were dating some trainer,right? "

  " You're fine... Yeah,he was sort of a trainer...Who couldn't not to... look at his female trainee," Sierra answered quickly,but calmly. Ramin could say that there was sadness in her eyes for a moment, then she just smiled awkwardly.

" Hey,let's go to a café,what so you think?" asked Ramin after a minute. Now he was looking into her emerald eyes. Beautiful eyes.

" Hm... Okay?" her friend took her hand and was heading to the door. "Ramin,rain?" Sierra asked a bit confused.

"It's over," he said happily, "c'mon!" and they both were gone.

After ten minutes they were sitting at the table in a cosy café. They both ordered coffee and salad. They were talking about everything and nothing for about twenty minutes. Suddenly Ramin had a phone call.

"Sorry,Sie,give me five minutes,okay?" he asked carefully,Sierra nodded with a smile as he stood up and went outside.

  "Sorry,Miss... This cake for you,from that gentleman..." waiter appeared and handed her a cheescake and pointed on a man from the table to the right  of her and Ramin's one. She looked in direction of that man and smiled forcily. He was,maybe,40 years old. He didn't seem friendly too Sierra,espacially after he smiled at her and waved his hand. He wanted her to come over,but she was a little scared of him.

She wished Ramin would appear and,thank God,he did. When he sat down, he heard Sierra's deep sigh of relief.

  "You're okay,Sie?" he looked worried.

  " Yes! Now,i'm good!" she laughed. Ramin looked at her with a confused face.

  " You ordered something?" he noticed a cheescake. Sierra shook her head.

  " That man ordered this for me," Ramin looked at the man who was looking at her and from Sierra's voice he could hear that she was....frightend?!

  " Do you trust me?" he took her hand and looked at her.  Now she was confused,but she nodded. " Give me your ring," he asked simply. And Sierra took off her golden ring wich she had from her friend for birthday and gave it to Ramin. He cleared his throat.

" My dear, we've known each other for almost ten years,ten amazing years," he started very loud and everyone in a café was looking at them.

  " What are you doing?" Sierra asked in a whisper,but she realized too late and he winked,stood from the table and landed on his one knee infront of her.

  " I will be the happiest of all men,if you agree. My dear,will you marry me?" Sierra played along and happy tears were on her cheeks,but she was still shocked. Everyone was waiting for her answer and she nodded happily.

  Ramin smiled,put her ring back on its place on Sierra's finger,they both stood up and hugged each other giggling. The café was clapping and that mysterious man left.

  " Kiss the girl!" some couple cried and Ramin looked at Sierra,she nodded and they kissed. It was not long and not short,also sweet and gentle. They both wanted it to be more like a stage kiss,but they both were pretty pleased with this one and even smiled through the kiss. When they parted,they were looking into each other's eyes, Ramin still had his arms on Sierra's waist and her hands were around his neck.

  "Ramin,I-" Sierra started,but was interrupted by a waiter. He congratulated them,they thanked him,took their stuff and were gone.

  " Thank you, was a little silly,that I was scared of tha-" Sierra began after few moments,in a café she realized that Ramin did all of this because he saw,she was frightened. Ramin stopped her and put his hands on her shouldelrs.

  " Sierra,don't you apologize for that," he started rather serious," don't apologize for being scared. I want you to remember something. Nobody is going to hurt you as long as I'm with you,okay?"

Sierra can't describe what she thought,but her face was giving her away. He was a hero for her  with his charming,deep brown eyes in wich care and worry could be read. She realized why she loved him. Wait? Did she? He made this all because of her silly emotions. Moreover,he ment that he cared about those "silly" emotions. He did it fo her... She nearly told him about her feelings right then.

Sierra put his arms around his chest in a hug. He hold her tight and kissed her forehead.

  " Raoul will be pissed about the fact that Christine is engaged with Phantom," Sierra said after few minutes and felt Ramin's smile.

  " See you tomorrow, Queen? " she heard Ramin's voice and was suprised. How didn't she notice that they were near her block?

  " Oh.. Yes...See you tomorrow,Ramen," she mumbled into his chest still hugging him. They both didn't want to rush and go home.

  " Don't fall asleep there,Queen," he said gently with a grin.

  " Come on,Ramen,don't call me "Queen"," she laughed and looked at her friend.

  " Don't call me "Ramen" then,"
he smiled at her.

  " Touché," she kissed his cheek, blushing a little and letting him go. " Good night,Ramin."

  " Good night,Sie."

They smiled one last time at each other and both went home.

All night Sierra couldn't stop thinking about her...friend? And what then? Should she tell him about her feelings or... Or what? She didn't know. Almost ten years kissing each other onstage and one little kiss in real life made her heart beat faster.
Even the best actresses could not hide their real emotions. And Sierra thought that she couldn't be able to hide them either.


Silly Emotions Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant