Chapter 6

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He went to redress. It didn't take him too long, just 5 minutes. When he came back,he saw Sierra deep in thoughts as she was looking at their picture.

"She probably remembered the argument. We need to talk about it later," he thought as he reached her.

" Sierra,are you okay?" he asked worried.

" Yes,I'm g-" she was looking at him like she hadn't seen him for ages. Her eyes were sad.

" Now,Ramin,it's your duty to make all sadness in her eyes vanish!"

" I'm sorry," she finally spoke, " Let's go?" he nodded and they lift hand-in-hand like in old times.

*15 minutes later*

Ramin immediately opened the front door and they both rushed into his apartment laughing hard. Sierra was wet to skin as well as Ramin was. Who knew that the rain would be so bad?

" Like the day we met," Sierra said when she calmed down.

" I was just thinking about the same thing, " Ramin grinned.

After Ramin changed his clothes,gave Sierra a bathrobe and put their clothes into a drier,they decided to have some food.

" We have some pizza left in a fridge," Ramin spoke first and put to pieces of pizza on a plate. Sierra just took the plate away from him. He raised his eyebrow.

" I think,it's better to be me,who will microwave food," she laughed.

" Good idea," he said with an awkward smile. Ramin Karimloo could do everything perfectly,but microwave. It even sounded hilarious,not to mention how it looked like.

" Ramin,now!" he told himself and started their conversation.
" Sierra?"

" Yeah?" she answered looking at him in curiousity. He took a deep breath. " Ramin,are you okay?"she asked a bit concerned,but she turned around to take raedy food.

" Wh-..Oh,yes,I'm good," he smiled, " How are you,Sierra?" he asked carefully.

She stood motionless for a moment. Sierra? Now she realizeed what he ment. No need to say,that Ramin didn't like this pause at all. He came closer. Sierra turned around and he looked into her eyes.

" Sie,I didn't want to hurt you with that stupid situation! I should've explained much more calmly, I should've cal-," he was interrupted by a hug from his best friend. She held him to comfort him and to calm him.

" I'm not mad,Ramin," she started softly,almost in a whisper, " I understand,I overreacted too. That's okay," it was a simple answer,but it really brought relife. " Best friends do have arguments and fights sometimes. "

" Hadley?" he said in a whisper. She nodded,but he could feel she was smiling as well as he was.

I'm so sorry for not posting chapter. I was too busy with school.
Anyway,hope you'll enjoy a New Chapter. BTW,I'm always ready for your comments and offers ;)

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