Chapter 13

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Sunday. Ramin opened his eyes as he heard vibration of his phone. It was hard not to hear it, it was rather loud because of the table where it was. After several moments it stopped.

  Sun was shining through curtains in Sierra's room. Ramin glanced at her peaceful face. She had a nightmare at night, it was a good thing that Ramin was with her,she calmed down after thirty minutes. He couldn't remember Sierra to have a nightmare like that , it made her scream and cry,he was more than concerned.

  Still,Sierra was sleeping with her head on Ramin's chest,which he couldn't complain about,it was really comfortable. Ramin carefully took his phone not to disturb Sierra and stood up from the bed after seeing who tried to get his attention. It was Andrew Lloyd Webber. Wait,what time is it? 8:45 am? What the...? The first message was at 7:30.

  Ramin went to the kitchen, slowly closing the door of Sierra's room. He decided to figure out what Andrew needed from him.

" Hello?", he heard the answer. " Ramin? I'm sorry,didn't I wake you?" Andrew sounded energetic, did he ever sleep?!

  " No,no.. That's okay", Ramin mumbled, " Did you need something? " wasn't that the main reason why Andrew texted him so early, right?

  " Actually, yes... I wanted to talk to you about your and Sierra's schedules, know... Phantom and Christine... I want to bring something new into their relationship,so I need only the two of you..." It sounded...a bit creepy coming from Andrew,when he mentioned Sierra, Ramin looked at the door to her room. " It's not a phone discussion. Could you come over to the Adelphi as quickly as you can? I'll give you your schedule and say a few words,but the full explanation would be later, for you both."

  " Okay," Ramin hesitated, still looking at the door," So,you don't need Sierra right now?" he was relieved when Andrew said that only Ramin was needed and that it wouldn't take too long. " See you then."

  The call ended and Iranian sighed deeply. It was going to be interesting. So, Ramin quickly took a shower brushed his teeth and dressed up. He slowly went into Sierra's room,checked her temperature. She curled up into a ball on the spot where Ramin laid 30 minutes ago and seemed tense. Now he felt himself guilty to leave her,even if it would take an hour or less. He kissed her forehead and left the room. He looked at his handwriting on a piece of paper that he left for Sierra on the table.

After less than thirty minutes Ramin was near the Adelphi. Of course, nobody was there,except for Andrew. Theatre has its own ghost, called Andrew Lloyd Webber, who lives not in a basement,but at the office,who writes gorgeouse music and,fortunately, doesn't murder anyone.
  So, Ramin entered the office and was greeted by "the ghost".

  " Good morning, again, Andrew" Ramin said first and sat down on a chair near the table. Andrew smiled.

  " Good morning, how is Sierra doing?" Ramin froze and his eyes grew wide,did Andrew know happened? " Hadley said she was having rough days," he seemed really concerned about her,of course, he didn't want his Christine to have problems.

  " Oh..uh.. Yeah. But she's better know,I promise," before Ramin understood what he had just said,he saw Andrew's curiouse yes.

  " Are you guys...okay?" now Ramin was blushing a bit," I mean, your chemistry, this week it was...different.."

  " Uhm.. I guess,that's because we haven't met for quite a long time, but.. It will be better," of course, after their kiss, " You know...women." Ramin shrugged.

  " Oh yes," they both laughed.  " Anyway,let's get down to work."

And as Ramin had predicted after less than an hour he was free.  He decided to grab some stuff from his apartment and then came back to Sierra's.

  When he entered,he heard the guitar. It must be Sierra. Ramin threw bag with his clothes on a couch and quietly approached Sierra's room.

  She was playing something very familiar to him. It was Human Heart. Sierra was playing his song. He leaned against the  door frame. She didn't see him,she was consumed by the song. He couldn't help,but smile. She was beautiful singing the song with her eyes closed like he was always doing,she felt the lyrics,she was smiling.

   Ramin stood like that grinning and after few moments he started humming.

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