Chapter 15

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Ramin had never been so nervious in his life. After he saved Sierra and brought her to her apartment,he immediately called ambulance. Doctors examined her and assured the iranian that she would be okay and that she should stay in bed for whole Saturday and Sunday.

" However,Miss Boggess needs to have some fresh air and preferably water I think you understand what for," the old and kind-looking man told Ramin,who probably looked like he couldn't process the information,because of  nerves.

" Yes,sure. Thank you so much," he thanked the man,before he nodded and left with his companions.

Ramin sighed and sat on a chair next to Sierra's bed. So many thought filled his head and made him feel more nervious,so he tried to ignore them. He blinked and was surprised by how bright the room was. He checked the time: 10:57.

From then on Ramin didn't dare to leave Sierra's side more than for 10 minutes. Only coffee kept him awake.

  When Ramin looked at the time,it was 14:39,but his friend still didn't wake up. At least Sierra's skin was normal colour,not pale and lifeless like the day before. Yet she had a huge bruise on her cheek and five much smaller on her neck.

That man. He said Sierra knew about him stalking her,but said no word to Ramin about it. He couldn't understand why. Was she that scared of the stranger? But it was not so hard to just  tell about it. That fear keept her thoughts away from work,from friends. Sometimes Ramin saw something in her eyes,but couldn't understand what it was. What a fool he was thinking that she was embarressed because of him. She didn't like it when somebody worried about her.

" I should have tried harder to talk to you,Sie," he thought as he stood up and touched her forehead when saw her facial expression change from peaceful to nervious. No temperature or fever. That's good. Now he was sitting on the floor holding Sierra's arm. When suddenly she stirred.

" Ramin...Did I hurt you?" she murmured in a half whisper with her voice cracking a little.

" W-what? Sierra,no," he answered in the same manner,holding her hand tighter.

  " Please,don't go," she pleaded him raising her voice a bit,asking him to stay.  When tears appeared in her eyes,Ramin was zo frightened that he had no idea what to do. He took a napkin out of nowhere, soaked it in the water and put it on Sierra's forehead.

" I am not leaving you,Sierra. I am not leaving you," he repeated it over and over,until she seemed to calm down.

  " I love you," she whispered and her breathing turned back to normal.


To say that Ramin was shocked,means to say nothing. He blinked several times and,again,didn't know what to do. He understood that Sierra was having a dream. Or a nightmare. With him. That was...interesting and...confusing?

He took a sip of his coffee. Sierra's words echoed  in his head and he felt heat coming up to his cheeks. It wasn't something he expected to hear from her. Well,of course, she had told him she loved him many times,but as a brother. However,taking into consideration,that in the context of dream/nightmare it was likely not a confession of feelings for a brother. At least that was what Ramin was thinking. He would ask her later. Or not. That would probably feel awkward.

After an hour Ramin finished his coffee,but he didn't get the wanted effect,but vice versa: his eelids became weeker. He didn't even  realize that how his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

[P.s. Sorry for a long absense and for making this chapter so short. Thank you for your patience and support.
If you also have any interesting ideas about this story, I am always ready to listen!

By the way, happy 2018! Hope you are all doing great! I wish you only the best this year! Let you,your family,your friends be healthy! Wishing r
This year to be special for all of you!

Xoxoxox ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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