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hope you've had a marvelous day and enjoy soft ty above

Charlie just couldn't seem to shake off the feeling of impending doom

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Charlie just couldn't seem to shake off the feeling of impending doom. The entirety of the day had been filled with checking her phone every few minutes, both hoping and dreading the text that was ultimately going to be coming any minute.

With that being said, Dakota had spent almost five minutes trying to get her attention before she'd noticed him. He'd spent another five minutes explaining why they were a few minutes late — Tyler had a game earlier that afternoon (though Charlie wasn't told what kind of game) and had to shower before they came because, according to what Tyler had told Dakota, he didn't like smelling like a foot.

Later, when Dakota's hand was tightly gripping Charlie's as they made their way to the kennels, Dakota whispered, "I think Tyler just likes to smell good for you."

Charlie smiled and slowly shook her head. "I don't think so, Kota."

Dakota simply shook his head and moved on to the topic of the sick new dinosaurs his mom had bought him the night before because, well, what seven-year-old thought dating was cooler than dinosaurs?

She was faintly aware of the many dinosaur names Dakota was listing off, but she was more aware of the soft humming behind her and the smell of woodsy aftershave crowding her senses.

"Now slowly lift it above his nose." Dakota did as instructed, softly chewing on the inside of his cheek in concentration. Ranger promptly sat, his tail gently wagging as he stared at the little treat between Dakota's fingers.

Dakota's eyes lit up like it was a snowy, Christmas morning. "He did it! Charlie, he did it!"

Charlie's excitement nearly matched the boy's. "Good job! Hurry, give it to him!"

Ranger wasted no time taking the treat, earning a little giggle from Dakota. "Can I do it again?"

She nodded. "Go ahead. Just make sure you give him the treat right after he sits."

Charlie smiled and admired the boy's bright, green eyes as he focused on Ranger.

Tyler, his hair disheveled and messy, watched from a few feet away. Since they had brought out the flamboyant pup, Tyler had made himself comfortable twirling blades of grass between his fingers. Now that Dakota was preoccupied, Charlie scooted closer to him.

"So, what do you play?"

Tyler paused his twiddling. "What?" If she hadn't been busy watching Dakota, she may have noticed his fearful expression — as if she was catching him in a lie.

"Dakota said you had a game today. Baseball? Football?"

The corner of his lips lifted, relief flooding through him. "Do I look like I'm the football type?" She shrugged and Tyler dropped the piece of grass between his fingers. "Basketball," he finally stated with a lazy shrug.

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