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here it is, this is it guys

Charlie's foot bounced nervously against the tiled floor, the sound of her heels clicking drowned out by the room's chatter that buzzed in her ears

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Charlie's foot bounced nervously against the tiled floor, the sound of her heels clicking drowned out by the room's chatter that buzzed in her ears. She was somewhat aware of the speaker drowning on about goals and all things alike, but she didn't have the patience to even pretend as if she was listening.

Because, damn it, she was graduating.

She had thought the first time had been exhilarating, but there were no words to explain how this felt. She'd spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours studying and had gotten less sleep in the past five years than she had the first eighteen years of her life.

So, yeah — sitting surrounded by thousands of people with black robes on felt pretty damn good.

She wasn't sure when they began announcing names. Either way, they were already in the F's before she'd heard the names in A through E. Then, as if she blinked once, her name was spoken through the loudspeakers. "Charlotte Fox-Joseph" 

She stood up on unsteady legs, smoothed out her gown and walked towards the stage. Beyond the claps that followed each name, there was something in particular that made her smile as if someone had set an endless amount of money in front of her.

Somewhere in the crowd, in one certain place, people jumped from their seats and made all the noise they possibly could. Her eyes found her husband in seconds, radiating happiness as he stuck two fingers into his mouth and whistled as if his life depended on it. His siblings, parents, Mona and Davo, Josh and many others were around him making just as much as noise as he. 

When she successfully stepped onto stage without falling, she shook the few hands that offered them and took her degree with little breath in her lungs.

She had done it — she had done the one thing she had never thought she could do. As a teenager, she never thought she'd graduate high school. As an adult, however, she could never have even imagined attending college. Yet, beyond all odds, she graduated.

She fucking did it.

As she walked down the stairs and wiped a stray tear from her eye, she swore she heard someone yell, "That's my wife right there!" and it sounded oddly similar to the man she married.

When Charlie found her family among the others, she was immediately engulfed in hugs and congratulations. She had yet to regain the ability to stop smiling and didn't hesitate to accept any of the hugs coming her way. 

When Josh and Mona took hold of her degree, gushing over the officialness of it, Tyler took his chance in congratulating him in his own way. His soft fingers traced the apple of her cheek, smiling just as big as she imagined she was. "Congratulations, Charlotte Fox-Joseph." 

She fell into his embrace, sinking into him as he curled his arms around her neck and placed his cheek onto the top of her head. He was nothing but warmth and something she could associate with home.

Before, she had never felt as if she belonged anywhere. Now, surrounded by nothing but love and support, Tyler was her home. Wherever he was, was wherever she was meant to be. Whether that be miles away from Ohio or in the actual home they shared, he would always be her home.

Charlie stood just off-stage, eyes watering as she listened to the sound of thousands of people singing along to the songs her husband had written. It had been a long, difficult journey for everyone involved but they had done it.

Brad sweeped by her with a grin, snapping pictures of the man she loved along with the man he loved as they played the music they had created together.

Though their concerts were different than the first show she had been to, they still evoked similar feelings. One couldn't help but feel welcome. Tyler and Josh loved their fans and trusted them with their lives and they made sure their fans knew that. It wasn't easy to trust strangers to hold them up every night, but they never disappointed. With each show, neither of the boys ever fell. 

Tyler turned towards her and she immediately smiled. He touched his own stomach and flashed a thumbs-up, his question crystal clear. She embraced her own stomach and nodded, heart warm with love for Tyler. Josh noticed the interaction and met Charlie's eyes, never missing a beat as he drummed. She blew a kiss his way, promising that they didn't need to worry about her.

Though the first nineteen years of her life had been difficult, she imagined that if the rest of her life was as perfect as the short time she'd been with Tyler, it had all been worth it. 

The late nights and constant traveling wasn't easy, especially with the growing life inside of her, but damn it, seeing Tyler's happiness each time he stepped off stage was worth it. As his dream had come true, as had hers. 

Now, they were making new dreams together.

thank you for reading guys — i honestly can't explain how thankful i am

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thank you for reading guys — i honestly can't explain how thankful i am. this is the first piece ive finished in ages and though im going to be going back and editing after a bit, this is officially the last chapter.

thank you — so, so much

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