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can you guys believe this thing is already over?

can you guys believe this thing is already over?

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The spring weather was nice. Though the sun was shining brilliantly overhead, a soft breeze blew through the air and kept the humidity from rising to an uncomfortable temperature. Flowers were sprouting from every inch of the yard, some that had already been purposely left while others had obviously been planted.

Tyler held her hand tightly, allowing her to do whatever she needed.

Slowly, she guided him through the many stones and to the place she'd spent many hours at. Instead of just the two that had previously been set there, a third had been placed beside them.

She bent on her knees once in front of them, smiling sadly as Tyler did the same. He knew just how difficult this was for her and he was ready to do anything to make this easier for her. All she had to do was say the word and he would turn around and wait in the car. 

After a moment, Charlie blew out a shaky breath and wiped the wetness from beneath her eyes. "I don't remember very much about that night." She began, working to keep her voice steady. "I was young then, not even in first grade yet. It was raining. I remember because I always traced my fingers over the drops falling on the car window."

He knew she was strong enough to do this alone. That didn't mean he was going to let her though. She'd been doing all of this alone for too long. It was time for someone to finally be there for her like she deserved. He set a gentle hand on her back, ushering her to continue or stop at any point she needed. "All I remember about the accident was my mom screaming and then pain. The police report stated that my father had hit the railing, which caused the car to flip and another car to hit our front bumper. We spun and my father had died on impact." 

She sniffed once, then continued. "My brother was in the passenger seat and my mom was next to me in the back. They said she died on the ride to the hospital." She paused and laughed humorlessly. "The thing is, I also remember my family fighting. My parents were yelling at my brother about something, but I was too busy with the rain to pay attention."

"I guess it doesn't really matter. I just know that my brother was the one who caused the accident." When Tyler didn't react, she decided to continue. "Like I said, the memory is muddy. Still, I can swear I remember him reaching for the wheel and turning it towards my dad and then," She paused and waved a hand in the air. "Nothing — just pain and loud noises."

Tyler stroked her back slowly, keeping his expression steady and impassive.

"We stayed with a relative for a few years. Just until Xavier turned eighteen. He became my permanent guardian and that's when everything went downhill." She shrugged. "He was a shitty guy, but he still took care of me. He still kept me alive."

Well-aware of the cigarette burns and cuts he'd caused all over her body, Tyler couldn't help but interrupt. "No, Charlie. You kept yourself alive. He had nothing to do with it."

She smiled, fresh tears brimming in her eyes. "Not this last time though." She turned and met his eyes, her own red and damp. "He saved me."

"Charlie, you never would have been in that situation if it wasn't for him. You owe him nothing. He should be the one who is thankful. For you. Without you, he would have died a long time ago." 

Charlie didn't say anything for a long time, hands braced in front of her and staring at her parents headstones. When she did speak again, it wasn't directed towards him.

"Hey mom, dad. This is the guy I've been telling you about." She smiled, just as a stray tear fell onto the grass they sat upon. "This is Tyler. I just met his family not too long ago and well, they're great. I wanted to repay the favor, I guess. He's leaving to play music with his best friend soon, but that's okay. I won't be alone."

Tyler simply listened as she spoke to her parents, often smiling as she mentioned a fond memory or anything of the sort. It was clear how deep her love was for them — though they had passed when she was young, there would always be that connection.

"I think I'm in love with him, mom."

Tyler was ripped away from his thoughts, eyes widening and his lips parting. He was almost positive he'd heard her wrong. However, when she finally looked back at him, he knew he had heard her right.

He didn't even hesitate. "And I think I'm in love with her too."

this isnt long but i think it speaks a lot about where their relationship is going

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this isnt long but i think it speaks a lot about where their relationship is going

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