Bullied and Saved: Chapter 1

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Cars...that's all I see, cars driving on the freeway below me. 1:00 am and this is what I'm doing. Sitting on a highway bridge looking down at all the cars below me. Not many people are driving on the bridge tonight so it's not like anyone sees me. Honestly I kinda want to just jump, maybe it'll feel like I'm flying for a quick second. Heck if I do no one would care anyway, I'm just a random girl in school in fact I'm the nerd,at home nobody really cares about me. I'm pretty sure if I died or ran away or even got kidnapped my family would just think I'm in my room. So I just sat there thinking, I thought about everything that happened this week. It was just like every other week I woke up and went to school, got bullied, went home and into my room then cried and cut...until Friday. Friday was different, it all changed at lunch, I was getting beat up by the most popular girl in school, or my bully. Her name is Bridget brooks, the one and only. Anyway she was beating me up like normal, nobody really cared until her boyfriend Hunter Jones came up to us and pulled her away from me. "Babe why did u do that? I was just starting to have fun" Bridget whined as I was on the ground in pain "oh stop being a bitch, what did Constance ever do to u?" Hunter said as he stood in front of me, Bridget was silent...she obviously didn't have a good reason as to why she always bullied me. "Seriously babe just look at her! She's a nerd...and I bet she's even a devil worshiper" she said pathetically "why on earth would u think she's a devil worshiper" he said and crossed his arms, they continued this argument until something really un normal happened "u know what I'm done with this shit, either u stop bullying her or were through" Hunter snapped at her and everyone could tell Bridget was shocked. The whole school got quiet fast and then Bridget finally spoke "why do you care about this slut anyway" she said, mumbling some other stuff to. "Your the only slut here Bridget" he said and walked away, then the bell rang and everyone went to class. I came outta my thoughts as soon as I heard a car driving on the bridge. I didn't move though, I just sat there hoping they wouldn't care but for some reason they did. The person stopped the car and got out, then started walking towards me. "Why are you up here?" A familiar voice said. It was Hunter, yup Hunter Jones, I didn't say anything, I was to shocked at the fact that he had actually got out of his car when he saw me. I felt a hand on my shoulder "Constance please talk, look I'm sorry about everything Bridget does to you, you don't deserve it" I kept staring at the cars below, can I just jump now? I guess he saw me looking down and he probably guessed that I wanted to jump cuz a few seconds later he said "don't , it wouldn't feel like how you think" then he looked at how close I was to the edge, I'm surprised I didn't fall already cuz of how close I was, heck I was only inches away from the edge if not less and all I did was scoot closer, but then I lose balance and started to slip.

love you all <3
word count:607

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