Bullied and Saved: Chapter 16

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Constance's P.O.V.

"I don't understand why we can't just stay here?"
"Why can't we stay together?"
"We're siblings! I'm not leaving without her!"
"You guys have no family members that are able to take you in, I'm sorry but we need to put you both in the system, and we can't promise that you'll stay together."
"This is crap, absolute crap."

My mind kept replaying the conversation from an hour ago, I tried to think of anything else but I just couldn't it felt like my body had been taken over by all these horrible memories and thought, all I wanted to do was scream, but I couldn't even sigh. I'm trapped in a nightmare and I just want to wake up already. I wish none of this had to happen, why couldn't we be born into a perfect family whose only problem was not knowing what to make for dinner instead of this pathetic family whose problems are wondering if we'll be alive for dinner. I looked over at my desk and decided I should probably start packing my stuff, might as well get it done now.

I started with the pictures but froze when I saw one with all of us, Isaiah, me, mom and dad. It was before everything went bad. I was four and Isaiah was one, we had all gone to the beach and it was just before sunset. My smile was real, can't say the same for Mom and Dad though, it was obvious they were having problems. Although there wasn't a stone cold look in dads eyes, you could see a glimpse of what was to come. The look in Mom's eyes was similar to what I saw in my own today, pain, hopelessness, emptiness. I wish I could've understood that look then, maybe she would've stayed. I held the picture in shaky hands, just when I was about to set it in the box my body disobeyed my wishes and threw it across the room. Next thing I knew every picture with my dad was across the room, shattered glass covering the floor. Breathing became too hard and I was no longer able to hold back my tears and fell down to the floor. Everything suddenly felt like too much, like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I tried to calm myself but I just couldn't. My cries became louder by the second and within minutes Hunter came rushing through the door to see what was wrong. He looked around and saw all the pictures, then looked back at me and I saw the pity in his eyes. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, holding me as close to him as possible. I wanted to refuse his comfort, I can't get close to him if I'm just gonna have to leave anyway, but I desperately needed comfort.

I was going to try and make this chapter longer but i just couldn't so sorry.
Love you all <3
word count:508

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