Bullied and Saved:Chapter 17

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Isaiah's P.O.V.

Misty was sitting in the living room doing homework. I watched her as she wrote, being happy that i have her in my life. Although she doesn't fully understand how I'm feeling she's always there for me. She glanced up and I quickly looked away and turned to the dishes. I acted like I was doing dishes the whole time, hoping she'd just go back to doing her homework. Of course she didn't though. She walked up next to me and pushed the plate down, out of my hands.
"You've been washing the same plate since we got back. What's up?" She smiled kindly, awaiting my response.
"I-Its nothing, just a lot on my mind." I looked towards the wall, avoiding eye contact.
"okaayy, well maybe we can get Hunter and Constance to take us to get ice cream or something, we all need a distraction after what happened earlier. I'm sorry I wasn't here for the whole thing. Hunter isn't letting me skip school for anything." She put her hand on my shoulder and got me to make eye contact. I don't know what it is about her but I just can't hide things from her. The second I look into her lovely blue eyes its like my soul spills out. It's like she reads my mind every time. She hugged me tightly after a minute of just staring into each others eyes. "i'm sorry you're going through all of this. Just know that no matter what you have me, I'm here for you 100% okay?" I nodded and sighed.
"I just wish I knew how to help Constance too, I mean I try but she just keeps everything inside, she shouldn't feel like she has to hide all her feelings from me. I'm her brother, I understand everything that happened." I looked down feeling guilty.
"Isaiah you're helping her more than you think okay, she'll open up to you when she can. I don't think she's just closed off to you, she seems to be lying to herself too. Telling everyone she's okay all the time. You were like that, she just takes longer than you did."
"Where is Constance anyway?" I asked trying to change the topic.
"I think she went into her room after everything went down, she looked like she needed sometime alone. Unlike you Mr.Wall Attacker" She said that last bit teasingly. I hate to admit it but I did get some of my fathers anger problems, only when I get upset I try to punch a pillow, but sometimes a wall is closer. "I get why you're like that though, you know no other way to handle anger." She looked towards the stairs to see if anyone was there. "we should go check on them, Hunter thought he heard Constance crying a few minutes ago so he went up there, but neither of them has come down yet." I nodded and we both walked up the stairs towards Constance's room. The door was wide open and both Hunter and Constance were sitting on the floor against the wall by her desk. Hunters arms wrapped around Constance while she was asleep and he was what seemed to be lost in thought.

So I decided I need more of Isaiah's point of view. How'd you guys like that chapter? Like always if you have any ideas just tell me, I dont care if they seem stupid, half of my own ideas sound stupid.
Love you all <3
word count:588

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