Next Gen: Demon Trouble

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Set a few weeks after John proposing to her and finding out about being pregnant with the twins - meaning she had a small baby bump -, Jezebel and John had just argued (mostly about how John didn't like Jezebel going out solving cases in her condition), and she stormed out. She headed toward the last known location of the Demons of Canterbury - a very high risk hoard of demons -, which was part of the case they/ he was currently investigating. It was already starting to get dark.

A few weeks after John proposing to her, and also finding out about being pregnant, Jezebel and John have just had an argument (mostly about how John didn't like Jezebel going out solving cases in her condition - a small baby bump). She had stormed out. She headed toward the last known location of the Demons of Canterbury - a very high risk hoard of demons -, which was part of the case they/ he was currently investigating. It was already starting to get dark.

Entering a long abandoned campsite - still with caravans and trailers parked in it -, Jezebel started to look around, "Jesus, whatever happened here must've happened quickly for a lot of people to leave their camping stuff behind."

She continued to walk through the park, until something behind her ran into the bushes, causing her to quickly swivel round flashing her torch in that direction. She frowned, seeing nothing, "Huh, who's there?"

When nothing answered, she proceeded along her path; until more shuffling came from behind her. She quickly turned once again. Her hand - unbeknownst to her - went to her stomach as a protective method for her unborn children.

"Seriously, whoever's there, I wouldn't mess with me if I were you!" She slowly looked all around her, "You're dealing with a pregnant woman here, and a feisty one at that!"

Upon her facing back to where she started - the direction of where the noises came from - a man just a few inches taller than her, stood over her. She quickly realised he wasn't a man at all, but a demon. Jezebel felt more presence around her.

The tall demon grinned, "That I am counting on, sweetheart."

Suddenly, whatever was behind her caused her to black out. When she woke up, Jezebel found she was in what must be a cave. She looked around to see the same demon she had seen earlier, before she fell unconscious. She attempted to move toward him. Finding she was handcuffed to the posts of the bed she was laid on.

She growled, "Look, you; you have no right keeping me here like this!"

The tall demon walked over to where she was chained, "Oh, you're awake. That is good."

He continued to grin, creeping the Hell out of Jezebel, "My name is Andronikos, but you can call me Andre." He took a bow in front of her.

"I didn't ask for your name." She sneered at the man, "But, I'd like to call you something, just not that."

Andre smirked, straightening his back, "You are a feisty one, aren't you?"

Jezebel's eyes narrow toward him causing him to let out a laugh, "I guess that answers my question."

One of the smaller demons enter into the room, worry upon her face. She scurried up to Andre, standing as close as she could to him. He frowned at her, letting out a disapproving tone, "What is it, Lily?"

"S-ssir, the head-demon would like to know how you expect to process this...?" She hinted toward Jezebel, whose eyebrows knit together.

"You let him know, it shall go at my pace... Or rather as long as she takes." He shot Jezebel an eerie grin causing her to try to back away.

Jezebel looks over at the small demon, seeing how nervous she really was, "Y-y-yes, sir... I shall go tell him now." Lily exited the room.

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