AU: Werewolf: Cravings

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*John (wolf form) and Jezebel, who is about 3 weeks pregnant, are out searching for a special type of bat to create a special type of meat; this is required to feed the pups during the pregnancy and soon after their birth - up until they're 6 weeks old at least -*

Jezebel: *Walking behind John, her stomach growling as she whines* John, how far do we have to go... I'm hungry!

John: *Stops sniffing, and turns to face her. One front paw is raised slightly. He gives her a raised eyebrow* Not long left. *His voice sounds more rough and gruff than usual, adding a little huskiness to it*

Jezebel: *Leans up against him, wrapping her arms around him* Buuuttt Jooohhhhnnn, I hungry now! Can't we make this go fast?

John: *Sits down* Don't know where these are. Even if we did, have to catch one.

Jezebel: I'm sure instincts would just kick in for you *Smiles, and begins to continuing to walk* So, get your butt in gear and sniff, bloodhound! Mama needs some meat!

John: *Rolls eyes, raising another eyebrow, before shaking his head. He lowers his nose to the ground to begin sniffling* Don't that sound weird? You are a pony?

Jezebel: You can't say much, I saw you gulping down that packet of mince at Lizzy's!

John: Yeah, but I'm a wolf... The wolf bit would be more powerful.

Jezebel: Yeah, and I'm pregnant with a litter of your weird pony/ wolf babies... I'm pretty sure I can get away with it since that would definitely have some sort of affect.

John: *Is silent for the rest of the way; as soon as the scent of the bats becomes stronger, his tail raises and slowly wags. He moves at a slightly faster pace. His already droopy ear, falling further into his face. He has a look of pure concentration on his face.*

Jezebel: *Eagerly looking around, she realises they enter a cave dwelling. She looks up spying the item of requirement. The bats are hanging upside down in a huddle as they nap. They are a very large and rare bat; though hard to see, their chins and inner parts of their wings are dark red. At the thought of eating something so big, she felt both disgusted and rather excited. Drool slowly makes its way down her chin from the left side of her mouth. Looks wide eyed up at them, her eyes sparkling with glee, her lips parted.* Uhh, John, I think they're up there. *Quickly wipes away at the drool*

John: *Looks to where she's hinting* That was easy. *The more he stares at them, the more he wants to bark and growl at them. After a couple of minutes of trying so hard to hold back, he actually does.*

*This scares the bats into flapping aimlessly around the cave; Jezebel has to duck to protect not only herself, but her pups. John, on the other hand, is more than happy to pounce into the swarm; he snaps at them, attempting to catch one. He actually achieves in getting a callosal one, almost as big as him.*

John: *Proudly trots out of the cave over to Jezebel, who is sat outside, with the now dead bat clamped between his teeth. He held it at its neck.* Got it!

Jezebel: *Watches him sit and present the 'gift' to her by placing it in front of her* Gee, thanks. *Puts it into her satchel* Did Lizzy say we needed anything to prep this in or with? I don't think I could eat like that....

John: *Thinks as they begin to make their way back to the lodge* Think she said about cooking like hay burgers? But, for a bit longer. Also herbs added.

Jezebel: What about all the fur and stuff?

John: We'll get Chas to do it... He is the cook.

*Half an hour later, Jezebel is sitting in the lodge on the couch; she's waiting for her food to be cooked. Chas walks in with a tray on his wing and places it on the arm of the chair.*

Jezebel: *Looks at the knife and fork, then at her meal. She quickly digs in, chomping it down. She rips the meat apart much how a wolf would. When she's done - the meat completely gone -, John - now in pony form - and Chas stare at her* What? It was really nice... *Blushes in embarrassment*

John: *Chuckles* Never thought I'd see you eat like that.

Jezebel: More? *Innocently grins* More please?

John: *Taken aback with surprise* That massive thing wasn't enough?

Jezebel: I'm eating for 8: me and 7 pups. So, I think that's a big enough excuse.

John: *Sighs, taking hold of the charm - a tiny bottle full of green-blue liquid - of the pendant he wore that allows him to change him at will. The liquid changes to blood red and he changes into his wolf form again. He heads out* Be right back.

Jezebel: Bring back more than one this time! We need to stock up! *Grins when he looks back*

John: *Grumbles with his back turned*

Jezebel: *Shouts* Good boy!

John: *Looks back with a glare*

Jezebel: *Still grinning* I love you ~

John: *Grumbles, before shouting back* Love you too. 

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