Chapter 1

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I sit on my overly full suitcase and try my hardest to zip it up, without falling on the ground that is! I have to be at the airport in Kastrup(A/N: it's a Danish airport, so they are from Denmark.. :p ) in four hours

"MARY!" My sister screamed while barging through my bedroom door, making me having a massive heart attack and fall on the ground.

"What did you have to do that for?" I shouted frustrated and playfully at Charlotte. I knew she did that to entertain herself and to sooth the tension of the fact that we were going to LA, California in four hours.

"I'm seriously gonna die of a heart attack if you keep doing that!"

"Well, you better not because we're going to the airport in four hours from now!"

"Noo, really? It's not like I'm going to explode any time soon!" I said while throwing my hands up in the air of nervousness.

"Mary! Calm down will you? It's just LA!" She explains. Just LA? She's kidding right? All the celebrities lives there!

"You're kidding right? All the celebrities lives there! Even Rolling Stones might even live there!" If there's one thing Charlotte is, she's a massive rock fan, bands like Thin Lizzy, Queen, Rolling Stones is the ones she loves so much. I can't blame her. They actually make sick music, but I prefer electronic music. Because then I can dance robot-dance mixed with a little break dance.

"So what. They are normal people just like us. Don't you think they would want to be treated like a normal human being?" The thing between my sister and I is that she, just because she's like 9 1/2 years older than me, she thinks I'm not intelligent enough to take care of my self, without making a fool out of myself. It might be handy to have sister to make sure of that, but sometimes it's just so annoying.

"Yes I know, but urgh, I don't know! Of course, I know they would like to be treated like normal people, but I don't know how I would react if I met one on the streets!" I said with my head in my hands.

"Then don't think about it," she said while soothing my back, "you don't know how to react before you have experienced it!" I looked up at her and smiled a little.

"What would I do without you?" I said laying my head on her chest. She put her arms around me.

"Are you thinking about that you might find your true love in a celebrity? Right?" Knowing me to much, she knew that it was that I was thinking about.

I looked up at her while smirking madly, she held then same facial expression. We began laughing hysterically. We fell onto the bed and just kept laughing till we cried and our bellies hurt.

"Well," I said trying to start a conversation. "I wouldn't mind though!" We began chuckling a little again.

"I wouldn't mind having a celebrity as my brother in law, either!" She exclaimed. "But," she looked at her wrist watch. "We have to get ready because it's 5 o'clock and we have to be at the airport in three hour!

"Say WHAAAT!?!?!?!? I thought you said four hours a few minutes ago!"

"Well, considering that we have actually been laughing for an hour we have three now!" She said making a professor phrase, she adores it when she gets the chance!

"Oh dear, did you just?.."

"Yes I did!" She said smirking. "Let me say good bye to Villiam and then we can go." Villiam is my sisters husband, they have been together for six or seven years and they are the cutest couple I've ever seen. I would love to have relationship that resembles theirs.

"Come lets get going, sis!" Charlotte shouted from the front door of their apartment.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I took my suitcase, looked around the room to see if I have remembered everything. I walked out of the door and down to the car. Well this is going to be the best month of my life.


Authors note:

So I updated this way faster than expected!! But now I have the whole plot settled. Everything. And I'm really worked up about it!!

To see if anyone loves this already, I want to at least have 2 votes? Or more if you'd like ;)

I hope you guys will love this!!

Olivia xx

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