Chapter 20

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Adam goes out to open the door for them. I'm shaking a little so I'm really happy that Lotte is standing beside me with her arm around my shoulder to keep me in focus.

"Heyy Rick. How are you?" I hear Adam say greeting, I think it's Madd Chadd. My heart is pounding in my chest, but I try to be cool and just keep it simple.

"I'm good, man! What about you?" He answers. Wow his voice is deeper than I remember from Step Up 3D. "But where is this girl..Mary?"

"Oh she's in the living room with her sister and the others!" Omg they're coming in here. I look around the room for somewhere to hide, but it's too late and it would also be a little too dumb.

They all come in smiling, grinning and Adam has his arms around Rick and Brianna. I smile widely at the sight, I bet Adam and Rick hasn't seen each other for a looong time.

I walk over to Adam still smiling brightly. He sees me coming and he smiles big making his brown eyes shine bright.

"Hey guys, this is my best friend Mary, the one who's going to play Rose in Step Up!" My heart flutters when he says best friend and not just friend. He comes over to me, stands on my left side and gets his arm around my shoulder. I get mine around his too. I think it just really make Adam that more cute that he's the same height as me, I already knew he wasn't the biggest size, but it never hit me that he could be thhe same size as me.

The ones who approached me first were Brianna and Mari. Adam removes his arm making me tad sad, but I forget about quickly because hey! I'm meeting my biggest idols here. I think to much about Adam anyway.

Brianna and Mari both gives me huge hug.

"Heyyy Girrrl! Welcome to the Step Up family!" Brianna says, making me cry-laugh. I could cry tears of joy right at the moment. This has always been my biggest dream and now it's becoming real! But the next thing that happened made a few tears slip.

The others come into the hug agreeing with them:

"Yeah, welcome Sis!" That's definitely Adam. Haha.

"Yeah! Helloo little sis!!" I don't know who said that, but I'm guessing either Chadd or Rick did.

"Finally I have a little sister in this family that I can spoil!" This made me chuckle through these tears.

"And I'm so grateful to be giving such amazing big brothers and sisters! I already love you guys!" I truthfully say making them get all lovey dovey, but what really catches my ear is:

"Awww, you're such a cutie, Adams been saying that you're really thankful soul!" Mari says making me look at Adam in surprise! He's been talking about me? I see him getting all shy.

"Oh!! Did he now?" I say looking at him. I love to tease him, just like he loves to tease me. I decide not to go any further with it so before anyone can respond:

"Well should we get seated and get some food?" Everybody cheers and goes to sit at the table, I give Adam a little wink that I know only him would notice. He winks back smirking.

"Oh, I forgot! i have to change my shirt, but yo guys can just begin!" Adam says leaving the room and like it's a sign or somehing that he left I have to go to the toilet.

"Well, while we wait, I have to go to the toilet!" I say excusing myself, they all complain, but I say that it won't be for too long and they understand quickly. i hear them all getting a conversation started with Lotte. I smile knowing she's freaking out on the inside.

I go out into the hall and I try my hardest to remember where Adam pointed out the toilet last time I was here.

I walk a little down the hall going a little crazy by the fact that i can't remember where the toilet is! I look in between two doors coming my way figuring out which one to open and see if it's bonus. I decide on the door on the right.

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