Chapter 13

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As I sit in front of my suitcase and I can't help but remember how right that kiss felt. The way his lips moved with mine like they knew where they were going. The way his lips felt so soft against mine. Without knowing I've moved my hand up to my lips. I touched the bottom lip where he bit down softly.

I quickly snap out of it and realizes that my eyes have been closed and that I was breathing heavily. I need to stop! I can't be with him. He's too old for me and I'm going back to Denmark in one and half month! It's impossible.

I find the movie and hurries back to the living room where Adam has just taking his seat in the sofa.

"So I have the movie! Lets get started!" I announce. Adam looks at me very playfully irritated. He rolls his eyes, but I can see a smile creeping on his lips.

"Weeeheee! I'm so excited!!" He says trying to sound interested! I laugh and put the movie on and goes back to my seat. I take a blanket and puts it over both me and Adam and he moved closer to me to be fully under the blanket with me. Even though I'm trying to not lay my head on his shoulder, I can't! So I hesitate a little and lay my head on his shoulder. He responds with laying his head on top of mine and I get huge butterflies in my stomach. I can't help it!

I giggle a little when Adam appears on the screen for the first time in the movie! I most say he's a little inappropriate and awkward in this! But well! It's funny. Adam also laughs a little at that.

We keep on watching without saying anything to each other. It's nice that we can just stay like this without saying nothing and without it being completely awkward.

I can't help, but laugh out loud when Lola walks into the bathroom and thinks Ashley and Kyle are having sex. It doesn't make it any better when we, after Kyle and Lola has 'broken' their friendship, see Adams face appear from the bathroom door. Me and Adam starts laughing really hard, but then we remember that Lotte is sleeping so we try and stay silent, but damn! It's hard!

"Shhhhh!!" I tell Adam, but that just makes us crack up more and I can feel the tears coming. Even after the scene we keep laughing silently. We look at each other to see that a tear escapes both of our eyes making us laugh even more.

"Mary!! Your mascara is running off a little bit!" He tells me between laughs.

"Oh dear! I couldn't care less! I'm having so much fun!" I say and brushes my cheeks. I smile widely at Adam. He smiles just as widely back to me. We look back at the tv to see what's happening now and apparently we are at that place where Emily finds out that she and Wen is the reason that Lola and Kyles friendship is broken and she tries to tell Lola, without telling her too much, but it just makes it a little more worse.

"Same here!" He tells. I glance over at him, but he's looking at the screen. I smile a little and focus on the screen.

It's like every time Adam appears on the screen we both begin to laugh a little.

"Adam? There's something I've been wanting to tell you!" I say when we cool down.

"Yeah? What is it?" I look over at him nervously. My heart beating way too fast.

"D-do you ever regret something you did in the past?" I ask him trying not to show him the nervousness and blush that has crept onto my cheeks. I look over at him to see if he has figured out what I'm thinking about. His eyes are full of. Understanding?

"No! I never regret anything I've done in my life!" He says and strokes my cheek. This makes my heart melt to ground. I'm on the edge of crying, but I don't want to.

"Why not?" I ask pressing a more specific answer out from him. He eyes beams with care. He leans closer to me. I feel so drawn to him, it's crazy.

"Because it's crazy to regret things, you can't change what you did anyways, but I don't want to change any of it!" He says and leans so close to me that I think I'm about to explode. He's so perfect. I'm literally burning of desire for his lips on mine again, but he just disappoints me with giving me a long kiss on the cheek instead.

Follow Your Dreams (Adam Sevani Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें