Chapter 30

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~one week later~

🌸Mary's POV🌸

"Mary c'mon we're gonna be late!" Adam exclaimed frustrated for the third time.

"Just one moment!" I say back. I look around my hotel room to see if I have forgotten anything. When I finally see that I have remembered everything I zip up my suitcase and walk out to Adam.

Lotte stands beside him with watery eyes.

"Aw Lotte don't cry please?" I say hugging her. I earn a sob in responds and my eyes becomes watery. I let go if her and takes one last look of her.

"I'm gonna miss you so much sis. Are you gonna go back to Denmark or are you staying here?" I ask.

"I'm staying here. We had holiday here for only two months and those months are gone in two weeks so after that I'm gonna take over Martin and Facundos apartment!" She tells me giving me a weak smile.

I know she's in a bit of a dilemma. She wants to go back to Denmark to our family, but she can't because they're gonna ask about her trip and her and Villiam, and she wants to stay here to greet Facundo, but then our family would wonder what has happened to us. Omg I have totally forgotten to tell our parents the good news! And I'm leaving now for the shooting of this movie. This is not good. Not at all.

I stop dead in my tracks and my heart feels like it going to crack. They expect me to come home in two weeks and I'm totally not.

"Lotte!" I exclaim panicked making her go shocked. "I've totally forgotten to tell our parents that I've gotten a role in a movie. What do I do?"

Lotte smirks and leans on the door frame satisfied with something she has done.

"Don't worry sweet cheeks. I've told them. I only forgot to tell you!" She grins and I let out a cry/laugh and hug her tightly.

"Omg thank you so much!" I grin happily and crying a little.

"It's nothing, but hurry up before Adam kills me for holding you back any longer!" She laughs Adam joining in sarcastically. I grin at her remark and shakes my head.

"He wouldn't get within 5 feet before I've stopped him!" I reassure her looking at Adam with a warning look. He pokes his tongue out at me like a five year old and I roll my eyes.

"Good to know. Off you go now!" She grins pushing me out the door.

"Bye!" I yell before she shuts the door and Adam and I goes down and out the door of the hotel with our luggages.

When we come outside we see two gigantic busses. We are going by bus to the place we are shooting at first. I'm slightly nervous to see Alyson in the bus and I just want to hide myself in a hole.

The bus driver stands outside ready to take our luggage. We walk over to him and hands him our luggage and goes inside the bus. Everybody starts cheering and I start laughing and I nearly forget about Alyson when I spot her at the end talking to a guy who's obviously more interested in talking to her than she is talking to him.

She looks up and sends me daggers with a devilish smile.

Well this is gonna be a fantastic bus trip.


We arrive at the hotel the whole crew will be situated in for the time being and let me tell you it's massive. Maybe because we're in Vegas. Yes it's Vegas baby! The trip wasn't that bad, but now my butt is sleeping from driving this much. Also they shot the last Step Up movie here too, but the writers of thought it would be epic if they made here again. I have no idea why, but okay, I'm in Vegas.

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