Chapter 4

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"So where do you wanna go from here?" Charlotte asks as we sit in a smoothie bar, waiting for our number to be called so we can get our drinks with us, considering it's very hot outside!

"Well, we could go take a look on the city! Or we could go shopping?" I suggest I really want to go shopping to get some new clothes! Cause this clothes is so boring! It doesn't even match my way of dancing or my personality!

"Yeah, that sounds awe.....!" She begins, but is interrupted by the cashier!

"Number: 32 and 45!" She yells.

"That's my number, I'll be right back!" I say and make my way over to the front. As I'm taking my drink from the cashier I can't stop thinking about which new style I should have instead. should it be flesh showing or more As I'm about to turn around and go back to my seat, I bump into someone spilling my drink and the persons drink out on the person and my self. I gasp loudly and so does the.. Man? Yes that's definitely a man! But that sound, sounds familiar!

"I'm so so so so sorry!"

"Oh my gosh! Let me help you!"

We say in unison making us look up each other! As soon as our eyes met, we froze on the spot! It was like we've been hit by cold water! We stood there looking at each other with wide eyes! No way! This can't be happening? Or can it?

Adam Gary Sevani stood right in front of me! I Spilled my drink on Adam Gary Sevani! Ohhh nooo!

"Hey, you're the girl I saw in the hotel window earlier today!" He says pointing at me after we've been standing there for a few minutes. He remembered me!! Okay stay calm! Breath in, breath out.

"The one and only! And you're the guy I saw dancing on the street earlier today!" I tried my hardest to stay calm and not freak out, so he wouldn't think I'm just an obsessed fan! We don't want that now, do we? He chuckled a little.

"The one and only!" He fired back at me! Making me chuckle now.

"I'm so sorry about your shirt," I say and points at his shirt. "You should let me buy you a new one!"

"I'm sorry about yours too! You should let me buy you a new one too!" He says. He actually sounds worried! Of course he is worried! He just spilled his drink out on me!

"No, I can manage!" I refuse to let him buy me a new shirt! It's my fault! "It's my fault. This wouldn't have happened if I had payed attention to where I was going. I feel so bad about your shirt! Please let me buy you a new one!''

"It's not your fault! I wasn't paying any attention either! And I'm not letting you buy me shirt if I can't buy you one!"

"But!" I begin, he cuts me off.

"No buts! I spilled my drink on you and you spilled your drink on me! A deal for a deal!" He say holding out his hand so I can shake it and make this deal official.

"Urgh! Okay fine!" I throw my arms around my head before shaking his hand. He smiled happily.

"Get that smile off of your face! You haven't won!" I say grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the store. He just lets out a laugh. That little shit!

"I have to text my sister and tell her where I'm going!" I explain and taking my phone.

"Yeah, I also have to text my friends!" He say taking his phone out if his pocket.

To Charlotte: "Hey! You saw that accident in there? Well I'm going to buy the ADAM SEVANI A NEW SHIRT!!! :O"

I sent it and minutes later she texted me back.

From Charlotte: "Yeah, I did ahahah xD have a good time ;) x."

To Charlotte: "Oh Stop with those cheeky smileys ;) x." I pressed sent and waited for Adam to be done.

'From Charlotte: ''neveer ;) ;)!!! X'' I chuckle silently at how much she reminds me of myself.

"So, I'm ready!" He says putting his phone in his pocket.

"Well, I came here yesterday with my sister because we're on a holiday, so I don't know where anything is!" I say as I looked around defeatedly.

"Oh, really? Well I know a place we can go too!" He say and holds his arm out so we can lock arms. I lock my arm with his.

"Okay Goose. Let's go!" I say the line from Step Up 2, I gasp loudly and smack my hand on my mouth. Adam looks at me in shock. Oh no what have I done? Then he begins to laugh and I feel a flood of relief flowing over me! Thank God! I then begin laughing with because his laugh is contagious. We begin walking as Adam leads the way.

"Soooooo! Someone's been watching Step Up, huh missy?" He teases while chuckling.

"Yes I have! And by the way my name's Mary-June Carter, but you can call me Mary!" I smirked while looking up at him making him laugh again.

"And mine's Adam Gary Sevani, but I guess you already know that! Right?" He says in come back! Now it's my turn to laugh! He's funnier in the real life.

"Well, yeah you can say that! It's not like I have been a fan since the fifth Step Up movie!" I say, feeling more comfortable towards him now then before! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us two! Maybe best friends? Or maybe we would be in a relationship together?

"Hah, you're right! But you said earlier that you are here on holiday? With your sister?" And that's how it went all the way to store! He asked where I was from, about my family, what my interest is!

I told him I have 5 siblings and to that he was very surprised and chuckled at the thought of having 5 older siblings.

I also told him I was from Denmark (He nearly pissed himself when he heard that! Of surprise of course) and that I actually like dancing like him! And in return I ask him the same questions! Well, I kind of know he has a brother and that his brother is married and that he dances, but I guess there's also a lot of things I don't know about him! Well I guess I just have to find out!


Authors note:

And here is the fourth chapter! 3 chapters in one day!!

Holy shit! I'm proud of my self!!

I hope you enjoyed it and hope you vote and comment!

Please tell me want you think! It would mean the world! Xxxx.

But here you are!

And good night or good morning to some of you ;)

Olivia xx

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