Chapter 11

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Mary's p.o.v

Wow...I can't believe I'm going to be dancing with Adam Sevani. This is amazing! Oh my gosh what if I suck!? It'll be so awakward! Okay breathe Mary breathe...I have to believe in myself, I'll give it all I've got!

"Hey Mary! You coming or are you going to stand there all day?!" I heard Adam call. I snapped out of my thoughts to see that he was standing and smiling at me. And may I say what a perfect smile he has. Ok I need stop doing that, we're just friends.

"Sorry I'm coming!" I shouted and started to run to the car. Just then some kid on a scooter flew past and caught me of guard. I was so close to falling over but I managed to catch myself. The worst thing was Adam saw all of it, why now Mary why!? I stood up trying to pretend nothing happened and walked over to Adam's car.

"That was real smooth" he said with a smirk. I could tell he was trying not laugh. I just rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"So are we going to go or not?" I said smiling and trying to avoid eye contact. I heard him chuckle and then open the car door.

"My lady" he said bowing down and holding the car door open. I laughed and went along with it.

"Why thank you!" I said in the poshest accent I could do and then sat down. I watched him walk round to the other side of the car laughing to himself.

"Ok let's go!" he said and then shut the car door.


We talked for awhile and then Adam put the radio on. From then on the journey consisted of very loud and very bad singing but it was so fun.

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALLLL! I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE!" we yelled as we waited for the traffic to move. I was really getting into it when I looked out the window and noticed that the lady in the car next to was just staring at us. It was absolutely scorching outside so we had cracked open the window to get some air and had completely forgotten that there were other people around. Oh gosh the amount of people that had probably driven past us and caught a glimpse of us 'singing'.

"Oh my gosh Adam the lady in the car next to us is staring at us" I whispered to him. He stopped singing and turned to look at her. Next thing I knew he had flashed a cheeky smile at me and began singing right at her, he was really going for it with arm movements and everything. I tried to join in but I kept laughing, I laughed so hard that I think I pulled a muscle! Her eyes just widened and she turned to look straight ahead, and not once did she did look back at us. I do think that I saw her laugh a little before she drove off though.

After another couple of minutes of us trying to recreate Ariana Grande's whistle tones we arrived at the studios.

"Here we are!" he said and turned to smile at me.

"Nice place" I replied looking at the building. It was huge and very modern. we walked in and then past a desk where a lady was sitting and sorting some papers.

"Hey Lucy!" Adam said to the lady with a wave as we walked past. Then he put his arm around my shoulder as we waited for an elevator.

"Hello Adam, studio 6 today" she said without looking up from her desk.

"Thanks!" he shouted as we got in and the doors closed.

"Do you come here a lot?" I asked him. he seems to know everyone quite well.

"Yeah, I've been coming her pretty much since I started the Step Up movies" he says smiling at me.

"Wow, it must be great." I said, I probably sound really lame. He nodded as the doors opened and we stepped into a hallway. We walked to room 6, inside was a massive dance studio. I had never been in one so big. I sat down on the floor. This is it, I get to dance with my idol.

"So, show me what you can do" I heard Adam say. I grabbed my iPod and set up my music. Woah I'm really nervous! Adam sat down where I was sitting and I stood in position waiting for the music.


Hey x

This is bit of a weird chapter but I hope you like it.

Don't forget to vote and we'll update soon!

J x

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