Chapter 2

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"Goodbye Villiam. I'm gonna miss you! I love you so much!" Charlotte said to Villiam. Wow okay never thought she would be the one to do that. She isn't that kind of girl. She'd just say good bye, I love you, give him a kiss and we would be on the way.

"Are you sure? Won't you be too occupied?" Villiam asked her. Well that's a good question.

"Of course not! I love you too much...." I couldn't handle it anymore! We have to hurry to get to the airport. And I'm getting frustrated.

"Okay, I guess Villiam knows how much you love him and is going to miss him, but can we please get going. We have to catch this flight you know!"

Of course I respected them because they loved each other, but we had to catch a flight and I'm dying of nervousness.

"Yea, yeah I'm coming bye bye!"

"Bye my love, see you in two month!"

"Yes, see you!" They waved and she turned away. We began walking to get our tickets bibbed bye the woman/man to get into our flight.

~~ on the plain ~~

When we found our seats in the plain, I began getting nervous. What will happen? Will it go well? I've only taken the plain once before, but I was more calm back then. And I don't know why I all of a sudden become nervous now!

"Everybody please be seated, we are about to take off in a few minutes! but before we will show you how to be safe if the plain would crash!"

Dear god, that didn't help on my nervousness at all!! A hand fell on mine and looked at my sister who gave me a reassuring smile! I took a deep breath and calmed down a little bit! Charlotte squeezed my hand and let go.

As soon as the instructor was done, we took off! My nervousness was now replaced by pure excitement!

We are on our way!!


Authors note:

Well this chapter was super shot and I'm terribly sorry for that!

But the next will be longer, ;-) I promise ;-)

Hope you enjoyed and voted and commented! Well you my not have to comment but a vote would be fantastic :-P

See ya soon Sevanians xD

Olivia xx

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