Chapter 12

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The first beats to Benny Benassi - Satisfaction comes on and I begin the robot dance that I love so much. Through out the whole dance I don't dare to look at Adam. I'm afraid he might think it's bad or something 'cause his dancing is perfect. But I can't help, but glans eat him when the break in the song comes, my favorite part, and sees that he's actually smiling widely. I begin to smile also and keep dancing till the end of the song where end it with me bending forward.

I hear big applause coming from Adam and I stand up smiling really wide. As funny as it sounds Lady Gagas song applause comes on and Adam and I both laugh. Adam comes over and gives me a big bear hug and I smile even more.

"You were really really great Mary!" Adam shouts over the loud music. Laughing, I walked over and pause the music!

"Thank you very much!" I say to him smirking. Should I tell him that he's actually my biggest inspiration? He has to know. If not know then another day maybe.

"No problem!" He says smiling. "But turn on the music! Let's have a little party before we get serious again." He states. I nod and turn it on and put it on shuffle. Guess I'll have to wait with telling him then. We hear three first beats and then Fred Astaire I Won't Dance is on!

Me and Adam looks at each other and begin laughing. Adam then comes over to me! He takes my hand and puts the other around my waist! We dance sillily around for some time. We try to make up some sort of dance, but it ends up with either me or Adam laughing. When Fred sings: "so if I hold you in my arms" Adam takes my arms from behind me and rocks us from side to side and then when he sings: "I won't dance!" Adam let's go of me and crosses his arms looking like a mad old man. I begin to laugh at that, but when it's nearly over Adam swings me around and then dips me at the very end.

It's like the music knew this was gonna happen because 'My heart will go on' by Celine Dion comes on. Adam and I looked each other deeply in the eyes. Hassle brown meets ocean blue. He lifts me up without breaking contact and without letting go. So now I'm pressed tightly against his chest. We both look at each other a little more before we lean in and our noses touch sending huge vibrations down my spine! I don't want this moment to ever stop. We lean in more and lips touch briefly and I can't wait any longer! He finally kisses me and I nearly lose my breath! His lips are so soft and warm I could just stay like this forever. I kiss him back a little shy. His soft lips soon begins to mold together with mine like they were made to! He bits my bottom lip softly and fire erupts in my chest. I copy his actions and I can feel him catching his breath, but he tries to hold it back. I can feel my knees getting weak from this passionate kissing and Adams arms tightens around me to keep me up. I kiss him a little harder this time and he does the same. I don't want this to end ever! My one hand finds it way up to his curly hair and tugs lightly. This catches him off guard a little and I feel a little moan coming from his lips. We keep kissing each other for god knows how long before we, against my will, break apart. We look each other in the eyes and we blush madly. I can't believe I just kissed my idol and my best friend. My lips are literally burning.

We let go of each other and we just stay there still looking at each other before Adam mans up and says something.

"Wow!" He sighs. I sigh heavily and nods! No words can describe how that felt like! Adam took my first kiss and I kinda want to regret it, but I can't. That kiss was irresistible.

"But umm Mary? I have some dance moves I I would really like for you to see... and try for your self? I-if that's alright?" He then asks trying to break the tension. I take another deep breath.

"Yeah, I would love to!" Well this should be interesting! My lips are still burning from that make out session!


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