Chapter 19

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I wake up at 9 am in the morning and I just lay there enjoying the warm duvets. I wish I could sleep longer than this. My mind wanders back to yesterday and amazing and fun it was to be together with the twins. They are so funny and caring, always bickering with one another. I roll around in my bed taking in the warm and sift duvets. I close my eyes surrounded by the cozy duvets. I nearly fall asleep and then...

"Begging, begging youuuu!"

"Put your loving hand out babyyyy!"

My phone began ringing with my favorite tune ever! It always gives me huge chills and feels, because Step Up 3D. I look at the screen to see who's calling me and I see that it's the twins. Oh yeah I gave them my number when we separated our ways yesterday. I take it.

"Hellooo!" I say not hiding the sleepiness in my voice.

"Wow hello sleeping beauty!" Facundo jokes making me chuckle. I think it's him. It could also be Martin.... Dear god it's nearly freaking me out that I don't now who's who.

"Hollaaaa! Como estas?" I say sleepily again. This makes them go all surprised and I hear someone clapping their hands. Is it really that much of a surprise? I guess so.

"Uhh! Muy bien!" They say jokingly. If they joke with me one more time....

"Stop joking around guys, my head is not awake for that shit this time of the morning!" This makes them laugh tough like and I'm nearly fuming.

"Guys, you should seriously stop if you want to be like sisters and brothers with her!" Wait is that Adam? And he's laughing? Oh boy he didn't, but I appreciate what he said there.

"Am I on speaker?" I ask.

"Yep you are honey," they say jokingly and sweet like. My God... Don't they understand?

"Adam what are you doing with them? I mean shouldn't you be at your apartment sleeping?" I couldn't help it. We separated yesterday, but maybe it just isn't none of my bussiness.

"Oh well. Martin and Facundo was bored with being alone, so they rang me up when we all had gotten home and asked if they could stay 'till today and as the god friend I am. I let them!" Adam explained and I nodded understandingly. Well I would feel bored too if I were all by myself with my sister. Or maybe not.

"Oh okay. But what do you guys want? You don't just call me up at this time of teh day without any reason!!" They all three chuckles.

"Well we actually hoped that you and Lotte would come over and have a good time with us! We could invite all the other cast members, so you could meet them and be prepared for what they are like!" Sounds like a plan, but I actually don't want Lotte to come, because Facundo might get all flirty with her again and I don't that, she don't want that. I wouldn't mind if I got Facundo as my brother in law, but it would break Villiams and Lottes heart if they should have to break up after 8 years of being together. And it would break Facundos heart. But if Lotte wants to come, she can, but I'll have to warn her.

"Yeah, sounds really awesome. I would love to come, but I don't know about Lotte. I could and ask her if she wants to come with!" They agreed and I got out of bed and went into Lottie's bedroom.

"Lotte?" I say carefully. A groan comes from the duvets and Lottes face appears.

"Do wanna go over to Adam and hang out with the cast from Step Up?" Her eyes grows big when she hears this.

"All the cast? You're kidding right?"

"Not even close, here you can talk with the twins and Adam and hear for your self!" I hand her the phone.

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