Chapter 10

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I wake up to my alarm going off and I let out a huge groan! Why do I have to get up so early? Then it hit me! I'm going to an empty dancing studio with Adam! I quickly sit up, but then I feel the blood rush to my head, I groan and throw myself on the huge and confident bed!

When I feel less dizzy I slowly get up and make my way over to the bathroom. When I'm done I go to the kitchen and get my self some cereal. I look at the clock and I see that it's 9 am in the morning! Okay two hours before he comes! While I eat my cereal I think of what I should wear! Should I wear my new dress? Ha no way! I'm not dancing in that! I can't dance in that. So I decide to just take on my tights and my sports bra. Thank God my sister persuaded me to take them with me!

I finish eating, put the bowl in the sink and I make my way back to my room. I go to my suitcase and find my black tights and dark blue sports bra. I change into them and go into the bath room to do my make up. I don't take that much on. Just mascara and some eyeliner. I can't understand why girls uses foundation! It makes you look fake! And it's pimples favorite meal! Well after what I've experienced! I put my hair up in a high pony tail. When I look at the final result I actually look kind of... Hot!

After I'm done there's still one and half hour till he's here. What should I do? I say to myself as I sit on the bed. I smirk evilly to myself when I get a brilliant idea! Now I can finally have my revenge on her! I slowly make my way over to Lottes bed room and see that she hasn't closed it entirely! Yes!

I open it slowly and thank God these doors doesn't creek! She's still sleeping!! What should I do to her? Should I scream as loud as I can or should I jump on her bed? The last one seems more appealing!

I go over and then I jump as hard as I can on her bed screaming "LOTTE!!!!"

She screams and jumps up in the air. I fall down on the bed and starts laughing hysterically.

"MARY FOR GODS SAKE!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" She screams irritatedly. She checks the clock and lays back on the bed breathing heavily. I just keep laughing, my stomach hurting really bad. But I think I should answer her.

"Because you would also do that to me if you had the chance!"

"Still I wouldn't do it at 10:30 in the morning!" She complains still irritated.

"Oh yes you would! Remember back home, when you barged into my room with your duvet and decided to lay on top of me?" I tell her! She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Also I think it's good for you to know that you're still alive and healthy!" I explain laughing. She lets out a laugh.

"And you sure did remind me of that!" She says as we both get out of her room. "So are you ready when Adam comes and picks you up?"

"Yes, but I think I should to the bathroom and check my makeup one last time!" I say and go back to the bathroom!

When I'm done I hear the doorbell ring and I quickly put my stuff away and to open the door, but I'm not fast enough. Lotte has already opened it.

"Hey Adam. Nice to meet you again!" She says and lets Adam in. His curls hanging messily down in front of his eyes. He quickly whips his hair out of the way and smiles.

"Hey Lotte! Nice meeting you again too!" He says and gives her a quick hug. I go over to them to greet to Adam.

"Ayyyyy mah sistar!" Adam says making both of us chuckle lightly.

"Wuddup Mah brothar!" I say as I hug him tightly! He hugs me back just as tight. Man I love his hugs.

"So are you ready to go daaaanciing!" He says dramatically moving his hips to the sides. I laugh at how wonderfully weird he is! I decide to play along.

"Ohh yeaaaah. Damn right I am!" I say moving my shoulders up and down and shaking my hips. We both laugh at how ridiculous we are, but we couldn't care less.

"See you Lotte. I hope it's alright I leave you here!" I say worryingly. She nods her head repeatedly.

"Of course! I'll just watch some movies and I also have to return the movie we watched yesterday!" She explained and I nod.

"Take care of yourself okay?" I tell her even though she's actually 27...

"Hahah of course I will! I'm 27. I should be more worried about you!" Me?? Is she testing Adams ability of taking care of me?

"Haha don't worry Lotte! I'll take care of her!" He says and puts his arm around me. I put my arm around him.

"Okay! I trust you Adam!" Lotte says pointing at Adam threateningly. Me and Adam laugh a little.

"I won't disappoint you Lotte!" Adam says trustworthy.

"Okay then you two go have some fun now!" She says as an old lady.

"What's gotten in to her?" Adam whispers. "She doesn't usually act like this, does she?"

"Well, I might have jumped in her bed this morning making her have a heart attack!" I explain whispering. Adam laugh quietly and shakes his head at me. I just shrug.

"Bye Lotte!" We say at the same time!

"Bye you two!" She says grumpily. Me and Adam laugh and exits the door.

We go down to his car and we are on our way to the studioooo.


Authors note:

Good morning everyone!! Hope you've slept well!

So here's a new chapeee! :D

I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment :)

Also Jenny will be making chapters after I've updated! ;)

Well see you soon Sevanians :3

Olivia xx

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