|Chapter Four|

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"Jacob I love you" he said as he ran beside me and kissed my lips passionatly.

"You what?"

*back to story*

Jacob's p.o.v

"You heard me right. I Chressanto Romelo August am in love with the one and only Jacob Perez." he said caressing my face as he stared deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked Chressanto making sure this wasn't just my imagination.

"Yes I'm a million gazillion percent sure that I love you baby boy" he said without ever loosing eye contact with me.

"So what do we do now" I said blushing and smiling as I felt my cheeks turn red from hearing Chress admit his love for me.

"Jacob will you be my boyfriend and stick with me through thick and thin?" he asked with his adorable big brown puppy eyes.

"I will" I said as I leaned forward closing the gap between us and kissing his plump lips ever so sweetly. I can't believe it, Mami was right we do love each other more than we thought.

"Jakey poo?" Chressanto said poking out his bottom lip as he looked at me with his hazel brown eyes.

"Yes Chressy..." I said smiling at the adorable little nickname he gave me.

"You know you get released today and I wanna take you out on a date so what do you say?" he asked.

I struggled as I tried to find my words. I mean we all know I was going to say yes but I couldn't manage any English words.

"I-I-I" was all I managed to say before I gave up and nodded my head in response since my words were failing me at the moment.

"I got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a big night, that tonight's gonna be a big big night" Chressanto sang as he walked out the door singing and dancing.

"Oh lord what am I going to wear" I sighed as I fell back into my bed.

Chressanto's p.o.v

Ok. So maybe I got a little to excited way to fast. I've never really taken anyone on a date. ok I have but never a guy. Sure as hell never a guy that I love and want to have a future with. Since I had no idea of where to take Jacob I called my old bestfriend Jaden. I've known Jaden since I was five. Me and him were really close up until freshman year. see everything changed when everybody found out his secret. I remember it all like it was yesterday.


I was sitting at the lunch table waiting on the rest of the gang when I got a video. I picked up my phone and it was a video message. I went to my messages and clicked on the link to the video.

"Oh my lord" was all I could say. I was speechless. I mean who wouldn't be if they saw their bestfriend forever bent over in the boys locker-room getting hit from the back and sucking some nigga dick .

I looked around the lunchroom as everyone else was either laughing or looking to beat Jaden ass after seeing that video. At last he never showed up too lunch. I found it weird so me being who I am I went looking for him. When I finally found him he was in the boys bathroom half conscious. His face was covered up in a potatoe sack bag, his hands and feet were tied up, and to top it off he was butt naked on the restroom floor bleeding out of his anus.

I ran to his side and called the paramedics " hello yes I need a ambulance at LakeView High" I said to the operator as I checked for his pulse.

I stayed on the line with the operator until the ambulance came and took him away on the stretcher.

After that he changed. He started skipping school, getting called to the principles office all the time, and even having sex for drug money.

*End of Flaahback*

It's sad how one incident can change a persons life for the worse. I haven't talked to him since he got sent away last year to a rehab center. He got released a week ago and is really like to talk to him and see how he's doing. I picked up my car keys and put them into the ignition as I drove out the hospital parking lot off too Jadens.

30minutes later

I pulled up to his house and parked in the driveway. I got out my car and made my way to Mr. and Mrs.Smiths front door. I knocked on the door three times and waited for someone to answer.

"Hey Chress long time no see" his little sister willow greeted, or should I say our little sister greeted. I engulfed her into a big bear hug as I stepped into the house.

"Hey lil sis! How has life been treating you?" I asked as I placed her back on the ground.

"Good, so what are you doing here?" she asked curiously.

"I heard Jaden was back and I wanted to talk to him if that's okay?" I said.

"Yea sure he's upstairs in his room. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." she said as she took my hand and led me too his room.

"Go straight in" she said as she stopped outside his door before walking off to her own.

I walked in his room slowly as I observed his bedroom. He had pictures of me and him together when we were little tikes all the way up till freshman year.

"What are you doing here?" a deep familiar voice questioned from behind me. I turned around to see Jaden with a towel around his waist as beads if water fell down his chest down his v-line till getting lost underneath the towel.

"Like what ya see?" he said throwing his towel at my head.

"Ewww gross dude" I said throwing the towel off my head only to see a fully erected Jaden.

"Whoa dude you gotta get dressed" I said trying too look away.

"And if I don't?" he questioned stepping closer.

"Um we'll um" damn it why am I so nervous.

"What you gonna do" he said stepping so close to me I could practically smell the mint flavored toothpaste off his breath.

"I'll um..." I stammered trying to get ahold of myself.

"You want do nothing" he said pushing me down onto his bed before climbing on top of me. I tried too push him off but he had my wrist pinned down.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do this" he said trailing kisses down my jawline to my neck. I tried to fight the feelings I was getting from being underneath him but unfortunately I failed miserably...


Ok so I know it was kinda short but that's only because I'm giving you guys a really special valentines update and I also need two wonderful readers to sign up for a part in the story so if your interested drop your comment below

Jaden's bestfriend




Mystery person|



We'll until Friday we'll have to wait and see who got the part but anyway stay tuned for your valentines day gift♥️♥️

B E A U T I F U L ♥️ ~Royce~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat