|Chapter Thirteen|

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Chressanto's p.o.v

I had been sitting at home for the last couple hours debating on if I wanted to call Jacob and have another heart felt talk. I wanted to but I couldn't until I broke things off with Jaden. It shouldn't be so hard since he's already seeing Ray as it is. This should be a easy break up since we both weren't happy in the relationship we were in. I guess I'll call him first and than call Jacob and ask him if we can meet up and have a real honest talk without it ending up in sex for the first time ever.

I grabbed my phone off my charger and searched through my contacts for Jadens number. When I found it I pressed redial and pressed the phone to my ear as I listened to the dial tone as I waited for him to pick up. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" he said in a kinda high pitched nervous tone.

"Uh hey Jaden, what's wrong?" I asked him in a thrown off tone.

"Oh what man nothing what's up though?" he said changing the subject. I didn't believe what he said but I wasn't about to argue with him.

"I was thinking that we should take a break, you know seeing to how all these different things or going on between us and besides I know about you and Ray, but it's okay I'm not mad I think y'all make a really lovely and cute couple" I said in all honesty.

"Wait you do?" he asked in a rather shocked tone.

"Yea, but like I said it's all good. I hope y'all too cherish what y'all have with each other" I said in the most syncretist way I could.

"Oh okay, wait so are we broken up" he asked in confusion.

"Not broken up, just happily apart" I said before hanging up the phone. Now that that's done time to call up Jacob and make things right for the last time. I once again ran through my contacts till I found my baby's number. I pressed dial on my phone and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, it's Jacob sorry I missed your call leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can" his recording played. I sighed in despair as I slowly hung up the phone. I must have really fucked up this time. You know what I'm not going to sit here and mop around all day I'm going to go prove my love is real and true to my baby. I put my Kd's on and grabbed my car keys before running downstairs and unlocking my car. I placed my keys in the ignition in the key hole and drove off into the direction of Jacobs place.

Mrs. Perez

"Have you seen Jacob" I asked my brother Robert.

"No. He hasn't called?" he asked me.

"No I haven't heard from him at all today and I'm really worried" I said as I looked at the time on my phone.

"I'm sure he'll call soon he's probably just busy" he said.

Ding! Dong!

The doorbell rang interrupting our conversation.

"I'll see who it is" Robert said as he walked to the front door.

"Okay" I said as I slowly walked behind him.

"Hello Chressanto" Robert said as he opened the door.

"Hi, um is Jacob home?" he asked.

"I'm sorry but no he's not" I said as I now stood side by side to Robert.

"We'll when you hear from him can you tell him I really want to talk to him" he said with a sad hurt expression spread across his face.

"Chressanto honey what's wrong?" I asked him as I pulled him into the house. I watched as a tear fell down the side of his face. Robert shuttle front door as me and Chressanto made our way to the living room.

"I just- I just keep fucking everything up between me and Jacob" he said as he now broke down.

"It's okay baby everybody makes mistakes "I said pulling him into a warm hug as I rubbed his back comfortingly.

"No it's not! He's never going to forgive me this time." he said as he now began to choke on his tears as he spoke.

"Yes he we'll mijo he loves you" I said as I rubbed his back even more.

"I hope so" he said as he sniffled. I watched as Robert handed him a tissue.

"So when's the last time you've seen Jacob?" I asked him as he sat down on the couch.

"I haven't seen him since this morning when he yelled at me in the hallway" he said wiping his nose.

"Something's not right?" Robert said.

"Your right something fishy, it's not like Jacob to not call me or you and not tell us that he's okay.

"You don't thin-" was all I said before Chressanto's phone started ringing.

"It's Jacob" he said looking at the phone.

"Put the phone on speaker!" I said as he picked it up.

"Hello" a still sniffling Chress said.

"Hello" a woman's voice said.

"Who's this?" Chressanto asked jumping up to his feet.

"Don't worry about it, but I have your little boyfriend Jacob" she said in a sly tone.

"I swear if you do anything to him I we'll kill you!" he said as he clenched his fist.

"Oh don't threat me, you don't want me to hurt poor old little Jakey do you?" she asked.

Chressanto stood their quietly as he slowly unclenched his fist.

"That's what I thought, but anyway I have a little game for you to play..." she said trailing off at the end.

"What is it?" he asked.

"You'll find out , it's starts now" she said hanging up the phone.


"The games have begun..."


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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