|Chapter Seven|

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Chressanto's p.o.v

"We'll that was a dumb ass idea" I said as me and Jaden hoped into his car.

"We'll sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to" Jaden said with annoyance in his voice.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I questioned him in a rather annoyed tone.

"We'll it's clear to see that us coming here wasn't a good idea. I mean I didn't leave the house to be drenched in HOT ASS COFFEE OR HAVE BOOKS THROWN AT ME AND BEING CHASED OUT OF A HOSPITAL" he said getting awfully loud with me.

"Ok we'll for STARTERS in case YOU forgot this was your DUMB ASS IDEA" I said recalling on me and his conversation from earlier.

"You know what FUCK this CONVERSATION! How about I take you home?" he said putting the keys into the ignition.

"Yea that's a good idea" I said as he pulled out the hospital parking lot.

We sat in the car on the way to my house incomplete silence we'll other than the music that was playing from the radio. I watched Jaden slowly pull into my driveway as he turned off the car and turned to face me.

"Listen Chress I'm sorry for yelling at you" he said with sincereness in his voice.

"I'm sorry too. It's not your fault you were only trying to help. Maybe next time we can think stuff through before rushing straight into things." I said with a slight smile.

"Yea that'd be nice" he said leaning over onto the passengers side and pecking my lips.

"Hey you know we can still tell my mom about us, that is if you want?" I said raising my eyebrow questionably.

"Yea I'd like that" he said smiling back at me.

"We'll come on" I said as I opened my door.

We walked up to the front door holding hands as I used my free hand to unlock the door.

"Mom" I yelled as me and Jaden stepped into the front door.

"Chress where have you been" she yelled running from the living room.

I picked up me and Jadens intertwined fingers and said" with my boyfriend". I smiled at Jaden and I's hands as I looked back to my mother. she stood there frozen unfazed by what I had said.

"Oh" was all she said as she looked between the both of us.

"Oh is that really all you have to say about this is oh?" I questioned a little frustrated. I tell her I'm gay and intrusive her to my boyfriend and all she can say is a damn oh. The fuck this bitch on some molly.

"I'm sorry Chress, nice to meet you umm...." she said not realizing who the person was she was shaking hands with.

"Jaden, you don't remember me Mrs.August" he said with a slight frown on his face.

"Jaden. Oh you and Chress were bestfriends freshman year. I remember you" she said bringing him into a hug.

"Come come, we must talk about this" she said taking both if our hands and dragging us into the living room.

We all sat down as my mother sat down on the couch opposite of me and Jaden.

"So how did this happen?" she asked. I looked at Jaden unaware of what to tell my mom. I can't tell her I went over to Jadens to talk about how to set up a date for me and Jacob and ended up having sex with Jaden.

B E A U T I F U L ♥️ ~Royce~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora