|Chapter Elleven|

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Jacob's p.o.v

It's been a wonderful week just me and Chressanto. No school, no drama, no Jaden nothing but pure bliss. To bad all this paradise has to come to am end someday and unfortunately today is the day. I sighed silently to myself as I finished folding the last bit of Chressanto's clean clothes before setting them in the suitcase. I felt warm hands wrap around my waist. I smiled and turned around to look the love of my life in his sweet innocent brown eyes.

"What's wrong beautiful?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him in confusion.

"I asked you a question and you just zoned out on me?" he said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to. What did you ask?" I asked him giving him my full undivided attention.

"I asked are you going to be okay tomorrow, you know with me having to act like nothing's going on between us?" he asked with a concerned look.

With all the stuff we've been doing the past week I forgot that he's still in a relationship with Jaden. I really don't know if I'm going to be okay but I don't want Chress to worry so I know what my answer is.

"Yea, baby I'll be okay I promise" I said pecking his nose.

"You sure cause if your not we don't have to go back to school tomorrow?" he said.

"No it's okay" I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay we'll let's get going" he said picking up the suitcases and heading out the hotel room.

"This should be interesting" I muttered under my breath as I followed Chress down to the hotel lobby to check out.

~On The Way To Jacob's~

We sat in the car holding hands listening to music. I stared out the window as we got closer and closer to my house. I kept thinking about all the things that could go terribly wrong tomorrow at school. I could get beat up again, or get called a punk, or a fagot and anything else the cruel society we call humanity has to throw at me. I felt tears sting in my eyes as I thought about all the pain I've been through the last couple weeks. I fought back my tears as we pulled up into my driveway.

"We'll were here" Chress said gripping my hand in his a little tighter.

"Yea! Great" I said unenthusiastic.

"Jacob what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said as I unfastened my seat belt.

"No your not! You didn't say a single word all the way here! Tell me what's wrong?" he asked with pleading eyes.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said getting out the car.

"I'll see you later" I said shutting his car door behind me and running to my front door. I unlocked the front door and watched from the window as Chressanto pulled out the driveway. I than ran upstairs to my room and locked my door and ran to my corner. I cried my eyes out for hours as I thought about how maybe me and Chressanto shouldn't be having a relationship. After all he is still with Jaden. I don't understand why he just won't leave Jaden if he loves and cares about me so much. Maybe he's ashamed of me? What if he's only toying with my emotions and he just wants sex. What if he really doesn't love me and he's just waiting for the perfect moment to make a full out of me? I began crying even harder as more thoughts of why Chressanto won't leave Jaden rushed into my head. I began feelings around underneath my nightstand looking for my switchblade. I was going to cut myself but u decided not to. I don't need this I'm not going to hurt myself over Chressanto anymore. You know what it's time to change.

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