|Chapter Twelve| filter

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Jacob p.o.v

The next morning I got up from my bed and decided to make my first move to a better me. I walked into the hallway closet and grabbed the clippers out the closet. I walked back down the hall and into the bathroom and plugged the clippers up. I than began shaving my curly Afro into a box cut. I than shaved the back of my head making waves from the end of my neck up to my ears. I turned off the clippers and examined my hair one more time before putting the clippers up and disposing my we'll what use to be my hair. (In other words his hair is cut like Jadens but his curls or still in his head)

After my little hair cut I got into the shower and started scrubbing my body with my mango peach scrub body wash. When I was all clean I put on some all black jeans a white polo and my Jordan 6rings on. I than went down stairs and made a bowl of cereal. After I was all finished I made my way out my house and decided to walk around the park for a little while before going too school. I wanted to take some time to myself and ask myself am I really making the right choice. I know I haven't told y'all yet but I bet y'all know what my choice was.

~30mins later~

I had just walked into the school doors and as I made my way down the hall everyone's eyes were on me. No one even spoke or moved as I made my way down to my locker. I placed my things in my locker and walked down to my first class and sat in the far back row as far away from everyone as possible.

Chressanto's p.o.v

"Hey bae" Jaden said smiling and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I stood in front of my locker.

"Hey whatsup" I said as I turned around and pecked his cheek lightly.

"Nothing, hey did you see the new kid walking down the hall?" he asked me in a concerned voice.

"No why?" I asked him in confusion closing my locker door.

"Because he kinda looks like your cra- I mean ex boyfriend but he looks completely different than Jacob" he said as he took the books that were in my hand and began walking me too class.

"Oh maybe it's just a strange coincidence" I said shrugging my shoulders as we continued walking down the long hallway.

"Yea your probably right, but where were you last week I missed you" he said pouting.

"Oh I didn't feel like myself last week so I decided I'd take a break from school" I said.

"Oh why didn't you call me I could have made you feel better?" he said furrowing his brows.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be alone" I said half truthfully.

"Oh okay we'll wanna hang after school?" He asked as we stood outside of my classroom.

"Uh sure but I have some work to catch up on" I said pecking his cheek before walking into my classroom.

"Hey you forgot your books" Jaden said as he came in the class and sat my things on my desk.

"Thank you baby" I said blushing as he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"Your welcome gorgeous" I felt my cheeks turn a bright red as I listened to his compliment.

The first bell rang starting first period off. I looked into the front role were Jacob usually sat but for some reason he wasn't there. I hope he didn't do anything crazy. Maybe he's just late. I said to myself as I began working on my assignment.


Sorry it's short I'm so sleepy and I can't think straight at the moment so this is just going to be a filter on the rest of te chapter which should be up by at least Monday or Tuesday but um anway....

What do you guys think Jacobs decision was?? {comment}

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