Ch.1 Pg.1

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   I was dreading coming home at
4 a.m to my father ready to beat me because I was up "to late" so I just took the long way, I never take the long way at night but my dad was mad at me for doing nothing but I think to my self 'Nicole calm down every one is sleeping and there's nothing to worry about' but at this point I'm lying to my self I have this gut feeling.

   I'm walking down this alley, and I can feel eyes on me, but then I trip over my shoes or a rock or something I'm not sure, but I hear something... Like metal toe boots... Shit, I know its my dad he found me he's going to beat me up again. But there's more to just those two pars or feet but... Four? Why would my dad bring more then one person.

But when I finally get off the dirty stone alley floor, I feels presence behind me like some one is there, since I'm a curios person I peek behind my shoulder to see a tall, scary, built, hot man.. WAIT NO I CANT CALL HIM HOT. But before I can't think I bolt home but get about 2-3 feet when I feel the wind get knocked out of me by someone pulling me against there hard body, but then I feel a shot in my arm and I'm getting sleepy and I can't stay awake. But then...
  "Sweetheart it's okay I have you, night night" said this deep strong male voice and before I knew it...lights out.

------------------Next day------------------
Nicole's pov.

  I wake up to me being in a large room, I'm on a king sized bed, with wrist tied together but also connected to the headboard and my feet freely roaming. But then realization happens and I'm not at home with my awful father. WHERE AM I. I start freaking out because if you didn't know where you were and how you got there I bet you would be scared shit less.

I start thrashing around, yelling "HELP" but I know it's pointless but I can't give up hope... Not yet. But then I hear a door open to the man I saw last night, but he had wet mop like hair,and a large towel around his hips down to his knee, you can see his abs and tone muscles. But then I get this urge to play dead. Judge me. But hey if he thought I was still sleeping that not as good but close enough. But before I do that he looks at me and starts grinning.

"Morning beautiful." He says with his deep scary voice, my eyes get wide and start to tear up know that I don't know where I am who that person is and that I'm tied up and just to top off the anxiety even more let's add horror and fear to the mix. 

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