Ch.1 Pg.9

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Nicole's pov.

After Tyler leaves me and Lena to do what ever we want. So we play 20 questions.

"How did you get here" Lena asks with excitement.

"Tyler kidnapped me but it's fine I like it here" I say softly.

"Oh I'm Tyler's littles cousin, Tyler is very good to his people but the people he doesn't know about well he just doesn't care, I guess" Lena says questionably.

"Oh" was all I said in a quiet voice.

After about and hour or so just talking about things, we stopped the 20 questions thing at about 11 questions it's very boring let me tell you.

Right when I walk by the font door to go to the living room to watch a movie or something on Netflix, in the door comes a bloody Tyler. What. The. Fuck. Did he do.

"Umm, what's with the blood?" I ask running up to him with worry written all over my face.

"I was in a fight I'm fine, just a cut and bruises"he says like it's fine, it not fine.

"Let me see the cut. NOW" I point out to him.

"Uhhhh, fine" and with that he lifts up his shirt to reveal this big gash on his side.

"Go into the bathroom in our room, don't go anywhere or I will run away"I say walking about to get the things I need.

"Fine". With that he walks away.

About five minutes trying to find the stuff I will need, I find them. Thank the lord. I walk into the bathroom to find this girl all over Tyler, and he seems to like it, he doesn't even notices me until I drop the stuff and run for the door to hear Tyler yelling at me to come back. But I just keep running, right out the front door I don't stop running. I'm so heart broken and angry, upset, confused, and stupid that I was so stupid to think a guy like him would ever want me about 15 minutes of running while crying I get far enough into the woods and I climb a tree. When I was little I would always climb up trees so I'm pretty good at it. The tree I'm in gives me a good view of the woods and the road and I'm pretty hidden in that tree. I stop my tears and sniffles.

I look over at the road and see his truck driving by looking into the woods but to stupid to look up. I really just want to stop hiding and come down this dumb tree hug and cuddle with him and watch movies, but I can't how could do that to me, I don't even care, I've been hurt much worse than a brake up, that meant everything to me. And with that I start to bawl my eyes out. Again. I hear leaves crunching around under me but I don't dare look down, at his perfect face I don't want to see my face he doesn't deserve it.

When I hear him yell up to me "baby, please just let me explain" he says with sorry in his voice. It's soooo cute. No not now.

"IM NOT YOUR BABY!" I yell back venom dripping from my voice.

"Yes you are, you can't stay up there all night, come down here, now" I can tell he's getting mad because I'm not Lessing to him and he hates that.

So I do what I do best, piss him off the best way I know how, not do what he says  and ignore him, so that is what I do. Let me say this tree is pretty high up and well it took a lot of me to get up.

"Please I'm sorry, let me explain, stop with silent treatment, I like the cuddle treatment more so let's do the second one"

Ignoring him, don't listen to him Nicole.



"You don't want to make me mad" he threatens again.

Silence from me.

I lay me head on one of the branches to get comfy. Luckily I picked a perfect tree there's this flat part at the top and branches all around it kinda like a nest. So I lay there. I'm comfy. Warm, because I like only wear sweatpants and sweatshirts. So I drift off to sleep.

Sorry for being late on updating. Again.

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What will happen with Nicole and Tyler.


Kidnapped by the Gang LeaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz