Ch.2 Pg.13

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Nicole's View.

After Wes unties me he picks me up over his shoulder, I start banging on his back.

"Put. Me. Down. I can walk my self. Please just put me down"I say still banging on his back.

Wes looked to be in his good 30s and he has blond hair, he was also skinny but to skinny and he wasn't fat so in the middle.
(What Wes looks like)

He places me on a leather couch then he walks away, I can feel my legs start to stick to the couch so I grab the blanket and sit it so my legs don't stick but I know not to run now because he wouldn't just leave me here, there must be camera lucki...

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He places me on a leather couch then he walks away, I can feel my legs start to stick to the couch so I grab the blanket and sit it so my legs don't stick but I know not to run now because he wouldn't just leave me here, there must be camera luckily I still have my phone, because I put on the side of my pants and I covered it up with my shirt and my pants have a pocket on the inside.

"Wes!?!"I yell out to him.

"What!" He yells back to me.

"I need to use the bathroom"

"Okay give me a minute"


He comes back in with a plater of cheese, crackers, and soon fruit of sorts. When he places it down he walks me to the bathroom. I get in.

"Is there camera in here too?" I ask him.

"Why do you ask"

"Because I don't want you staring if you do it kinda creepy" I say with my head down.

"Just so you know there's not I don't like it too"


After I use the bathroom I turn on the water to "wash my hands" I mean I will but after I text Tyler.

"Tyler, is me Nicole are you there, there's a window I can take a picture of the out side and maybe you can find me, please find me he doesn't know I'm on my phone, I Love You, Nicole"  Then I send him a pic of the outside from the bathroom window. He texts back.

"Nicole, baby you okay thanks I see a plate, is it  Fran Rd. I have the cops here please be careful, I love you"

"Yes it is Fran Rd. And I'm okay I have to go, bye"

I put my phone back where I had it and I actually wash my hands and come out.

"What took you so long?"

"Umm I was umm snooping" I lied.

"What did you find?"

"Toilet paper and towels"

"Oh well I thought you were looking for something else" he gives me a smirk. EW GROSS.

Wes brings me back to the living room, I sit on the couch because if I don't he will hurt me and I don't want that to happen. He sits down really close to me. He puts on a movie that I don't like.

"Nicole, I have rules you have to live by or else" I nod.

"The rules are no back talking, no escaping, you will be wake up at 5:30 to make us breakfast, then at 11:00 you will make lunch, then at 4:30 or 5:00 you will make dinner then at 7:30 you will make dessert. Got it" he says. "Oh and you will call my sir, no Wes or other names only sir, I'm sir to you"

I nod.

"And you answer me with words" he says.


"Yessss"he says waiting for me to say sir.

"Sir" I say annoyed.

"Thank you"

"It's 11, go make lunch I want a tuna fish sandwich, with a salad on the side" he says.

"Yes Sir" I say walking to the kitchen.

I get out the tuna and bread and slap some tuna on the bread and then put it on the plate, I then take out the ingredients to make the salad, I just put the regular stuff you put in salads because if he doesn't want it to bad. I them make my self a turkey and cheese with mayo and I peel carrots for the side. Wes comes in and sees his food and looks mad. I did what he asks.

"Where's my drink" he growls.

"You didn't say what drink you wanted" I say.

"I want iced green tea" he says.

"Yes sir, right up" I get the glasses and poor him a glass of green tea.

I place it on the side of his plate. We start eating when there's a nock at the door.


"Shit" Wes says. "Nicole hide"

I pretend to hide.

"Hello? Nicole are you in here?" I could tell thats Tyler.

I run up to him any give him a hug. "I love you Tyler, thank you for finding me."

"I would keep finding you till the day I die or you die" he says kissing my noes.

"Do you want to go to Target?" Tyler asks

'Do I want to go to target' DUH "Is that even a question" I say with a smirk.

"Okay let's go forget this ever happened."

"Yay" I say.

We get in the car and drive to target. There's some things I need, and since my target has a Starbucks that's on my list.

Target list.

*fake nails
*nail glue
*phone case
* moana movie

I show Tyler my list he nods his head and off we go to the beauty part and I get my things. I actually do my nails, I don't plan on getting them "done" "done" until I get married or something. Then off to the snacks.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've been sleeping, lol, I wake up to things I have to do.

I will "try" to upload more.

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