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All the group is seated on the floor while Sir Joey is playing the trailer of this H.E week. While everyone is watching, I'm hearing a music somewhere. It is like playing from earphones with a high volume and I can even hear it. I looked around and noticed that Mello is sitting next to me and listening to his music from his color blue Ipod. I looked at him with a confused face. He removed his headset and asked confusedly "what?". I told him nothing. Why is he sitting next to me? Why does it matter to me? Anyway, looking at the trailer of this team building, it looks boring. I stand up and sit at the very back, and I saw Christopher. "Come, sit here."

Christopher is tall, dark, and not so handsome. Well, he is appealing to some other girls for sure but not for me. He is too jolly, too friendly, too smiley, and too loud for a guy. "So, are liking the school so far? he asked. "So far, I don't know. Are you liking it here?" I asked. "Yes, it is actually cool studying here. You just don't appreciate it now but you will in the long run." He seems a normal human. The trailer has ended and we were sent to our group room for some team gathering. "Call me Topher." he said.

So I assume we have to say something about ourselves during this team gathering. But no, we had to make a group flag for the team to represent us. Well, Topher is leading so I guess everything is fine. Looking at them, they are all busy and here I am sitting at the corner. "Bambam! Come here! Help us to paint the flag!" Mhay said. Now, I have to participate in this madness. "Okay sure," I replied. "I'm not good at it." We are coloring the whole flag, it wasn't so big tho. I saw Mello keeps on taking pictures of the team. Does he like pictures?
The flag is done, and Mhay noticed I have a pimple popping out from my nose soon. "Oh, look! Who is that?" pointing at my nose. She believes that if you have a pimple on your nose, you have a crush on someone. "No one, it's just a pimple," I replied.

This day is done, finally! I saw they put the flag and the poster our team made outside the hallway. The juries are the organizers. Ours is crappy as hell. I don't even think they will vote for it. I can finally go home. Mhay, Mike, and Mello are sitting on the table laughing about Mello. I don't understand why they call him Monkey? He doesn't look like a monkey. He is small, yes. But I don't see any monkey side as yet. Mhay called me, "Why?" I asked. "Stay with us! We are going to the mall, let's hang out!" she said. I don't understand with this lady why she likes to talk to me so much. I told her I have something to do. "What about tomorrow?" she asked. My goodness, when will she ever stop asking? "I guess we can? See you!" I replied. As I go, part of me wants to know them better. They seem nice people. It's just that part of me is introvert.

Finally, I can hang out with A.M and Stella. I met them at the food court and we ate something nice. They said that their team is okay but not as nice as our team. They said that I'm with the champion team. What? Champion team? Where? Which part? Apparently, they said that the team who always win is handled by Ma'am Joemen. It is her legacy. Wow, that is promising. I am on this campus for three months now and why I haven't seen Mhay, Mike, Mello, Jaja or any of them before? I think it is because they have different subjects and schedules. My phone beeped, it is from Mello. I know right? I saved it of course. Because I don't want to reply "who you" after he messaged last night. "Where are you?" he asked. Wow? asking me where I am? Why??
I didn't reply till I get to my room, "Sorry, just read your text. I'm at home. Why?" I replied. After I watched T.V and ate, I received another text from him "Call time tomorrow is at 8:00 A.M, JLT building." I think he is the team messenger. "Okay, thanks," I replied and he replied wink. A wink? Seriously? This is interesting. After a few minutes, he sent "Good night" text. I know right? A good night text. I think he is just being polite. At least the call time moved to 8:00 A.M. And honestly, I don't know what will be the agenda tomorrow.

I am not late today, thank God! I arrived on time in the same team gathering room we were in from yesterday. I haven't seen Stella in the other room or even A.M, I think they are late. I saw both of them running to their rooms. Today's agenda is we have to make a video about global warming. As usual, Topher is the geek about this, and this is his specialty so he is leading it. He needs characters, and he chose Jelly to be the in the mother role. Take note, Jelly is a big fat gay, with a very big tummy, and with a very gay voice. He also picked Mello and Jaja to be the children. Laughing inside my head, thank God they did not pick me. In the first place, why would they? Second, I am not small enough like Jaja.

The day is done. It was fun tho. I'm finally starting to know them, and they are not the people I thought so. I thought they are bullies or some people who discriminate for nothing, but they are not like that. They are fun to be with and I'm liking it. Of course, Mhay saw me leaving again and this time she holds me and said "you said you are joining us today right? Come! We are going to eat somewhere." In front of Mike and Mello who is on his phone, I said "Okay sure. Where about?". We ate in a pasta house nearby, I love pasta so much. I can eat tons of it. Mello is sitting next to me who is on the phone the whole time. Mhay and Mike are being sweet to each other in front of us. "Why are you envious?" Mello asked. "Hell no!" I replied. "So where is your house?" he asked. Now we are having a conversation. He seems a nice person. They sent me to the bus stop and I left.

My phone beeped. A message from Mello, "Take care!" Wait what? Take care? Wow.

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