Nose to Nose

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Finally, the H.E week is done and surprisingly we won. Can you imagine? From our looks, we beat these people's ass? I enjoyed this week and most probably this will be my favorite week.

I left early during the awarding. I wasn't able to join them because I need to go home. "Where are you? It's awarding time." Mello message me. He is looking for me which I don't understand why. I mean I can go whenever I want right? "I'm on my way home, sorry." I replied. "Come back, all of us will celebrate." he said. Now I feel so bad for this guy. Why am I also concern with him? I'm coming back to the court with my skateboard.

Looking at them now from afar, they are all happy and they are taking pictures with the trophy. "Bambam!!!! Where the hell have you been?! Come here let's take a picture!!" Topher yelling on top of his lungs, and he is so happy like it's his last day. This guy is so loud. "Good you made it. Why did you go home early?" Mello said discretely. He is so quiet actually, like a calm person and like as if he won't shout at you ever. "I have to practice skateboard," I replied with a smile while Dalon took my skateboard, "careful with that! I just bought it!" Man, these people are unpredictable. "We are going to NovaStop, you should join," Mello said. "Where is NovaStop? And what are we doing there?" I replied. "It's just nearby, we will drink there. It's pay as you order. Most of us will go, just join us."

I don't really drink, and actually, if I do now? It would be my first time to drink and I'm not used to it. I didn't join them because I feel awkward. I'm outside the house practicing skateboard and my phone beeps,

Mello: What are you doing?
Me: Just practicing skateboard. You?
Mello: Still drinking.
Me: Oh. Okay. Goodluck!
Mello: You should be here.
Me: Lol. I don't really drink.
Mello: Joining us doesn't mean you have to drink.
Me: Lol. Next time I will join. I promise.
Mello: ;)

He likes to reply with a wink. Smiling on my phone, I didn't notice that my sister is looking at me. "Hoy! You crazy woman! What are you smiling at?" she said. "Shut up and eat!" I replied.

Enrollment for the third semester is available now. I have to speak to A.M and Stella what course are we taking this semester. Mello and I are just in the school hanging around the corridor bench. Talking about how we are gonna settle his schedule as well for this semester. "Can you take PHP subject with us. There is still one more slot for this." Mello suggested as he is looking at the schedule in front of us. If I will take this subject, I will be classmates with him and the rest of the gang. Not bad, I want to know them more. Why the fuck he is so cute looking at the schedule?
Since the H.E week ended a few months back. Mello and I have been texting each other every day. We only stop texting when we are together. When we are together, we don't talk that much but we just walk and go. It's like we like silent communication. We go to a restaurant; Italian restaurant, and we like to eat pasta. It is one of our common things. "Let's try the oil and garlic shrimp pasta?" he asked. "Yeah, sure! What are we doing next?" I asked. "Mhay is coming here and Mumay. Let's watch a movie." He said. Both of us likes to watch movies like Harry Potter series, oh ghad, you have no idea how I'm obsessed with that movies. We also like to watch a romantic comedy, a movie about friendship, comedy movies, and all that sort but never a horror. I think the reason why I'm hanging out with this guy is because I can relate to his quietness and his personality.

It's Blair's birthday and the gang is coming to her house to drink. They invited me to join and I can't say no this time. Let's call their circle of friends "pot-pot friends." We are singing and having fun, laughing, and drinking. It's my first time to drink with them, it wasn't that bad. Ella, Dhen, and Blair are gay. We have Alex who is also gay. Joanne and Topher are straight and she is very funny! Topher keeps on talking to me about funny things. He has a lot jokes with Dhen and we are just having fun. They are really nice to be with and I'm enjoying it. On the other hand, Mello and Joanna are laughing and having fun too by their own. They seem close friends and you can actually think they are dating. All of a sudden, Mello and I looked at each other while we are talking with our company. I think he is drunk already. He messaged me on my phone, "So, it's Topher?" What does he mean about that? It's a mistake, I don't like Topher. "What do you mean?" I replied to his message. He didn't respond and he just keep on having fun with Joanna. I need to pee and I think I'm drunk too. I went to the washroom and look at myself and my face is red. Man, I'm drunk.

As I'm coming back to the table, Mello grabbed my hands and pulled me to his chair like as if I'm almost gonna sit on his lap. He pulled me and I sat really close to him as he wrapped his arms are around my shoulders. He did a nose to nose with me and my eyes were dilated. I've never been this literally close to a guy friend. He smiled and said "Awwhh!" as if I'm a cute puppy. He pinched my nose and kept me sitting next to him. While Mello's armed are around my shoulders, Topher offered me another drink and he took it on my behalf. Now I'm shy and I don't know what just happened? Is this happening? Mello took a selfie of us while his arms are still around my shoulders. What is really happening?

It's 12:00AM now and it's time to go, as we are in the car, they are still talking so loud. Mello seems drunk and loud. Joanna and Topher just keep on laughing. "Bambam! I can drop you to your house. It's also late now." "I will be fine, thanks." I replied and smiled. Mello gave me a strange look.

As I'm laying down on my bed, I thought of what just happened. Is that normal to Mello? I don't know but he fascinates me. He is very spontaneous. My phone beeped, "Still awake?" Mello messaged me. I didn't reply as soon as possible as I'm still curious of what the fuck just happened. Is he playing with me?

"Just on my bed now, about to sleep, and you?" I replied.

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