Signs and Symptoms

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Robert and I only dated for 1 year or so, we broke up just recently. We both felt that we are just wasting our time with each other. Mello knew about this, "Let's drink to that!" he said. We just watched a movie in their house and eat some street foods.

Since Potpot friends left this campus I am in now for almost six months now, it feels back to being lonely again. Stella, A.M and I have been together since the beginning. We met some few people from this new campus and made friends with them, one of them named Juz. He's been close to us, and he mentioned to me that he has some issues with his girlfriend. Then I started to date with this guy after he broke up with his girlfriend.

I was skyping with Mello in the afternoon. I told him about it, and he said, "Seriously? I'm really gonna tell mom that you are dating someone instead of me." referring to my mom again.
"Lol. I'm gonna seriously kill you." I laughed at him. "But you didn't tell me that you are going to japan for few months."
"I was about to tell you but you seem busy," he replied, "I will go there for few months with my cousin. I have to take them to their mom." he added.
"Okay, that means, I won't see you for a while then," I replied sadly.
"But we can skype, I promise I will call you always," he said.
"How many months?" I asked.
"Like three months or could be more than," he replied.
"Okay then," I replied quietly, "you have to bring me some snow."
"Lol. Okay sure!" he replied.

Mello went to Japan, and during those times our communication has been quiet. He rarely messages. Juz has been jealous of him because I always keep on talking about Mello to him. He asked me to block Mello in any communication we have. I feel really stupid for doing it, and I argue with Juz about it, but I know Mello would understand why I am doing it. I blocked him on Facebook. Fuck this, it is really stupid. I know that Mello and I are only close friends, I get that already, long time ago. But Juz just doesn't understand that I knew Mello before I even met him.

I am skyping with Mello using my sister's account, "Hey! Dude, how is everything there in Japan?" I asked Mello.
"Well, it's really cold in here. I'm just in my aunt's house. They all went out" he said, "how is everything with you?" he added.
"Well, everything here is okay." I said, "Sorry for blocking you on facebook. The guys I'm dating with is not comfortable with you."
"Lol. That's okay, I understand that" he replied.
I can feel that there is something wrong with him, "Did you get any tummy aches recently that you are there?" I asked.
"Yeah actually, the other night I had." he replied, "I forgot to bring some medicine from there."
"Man, that sucks! How bad is it?" I asked.
"It wasn't that bad, but I can't enjoy my food," he said. "Anyway, I got this for you," he showed me a white monkey.
"Awwhhh! That's just so cute!!! It looks like you! hahaha" and I laughed at him. "Then the next time we see each other, you have to give that to me."

A month later, I haven't heard anything from Mello. I am quite worried. He has been away for like four months now, and I think he will stay there longer. The other night, I dreamt that there is something wrong with him. I am trying to concentrate with our thesis, I am groupmates with Joseph, Stella, A.M and Juz. I am doing all the documentation of this system. I asked Stella and Joseph to do some survey in the town with regards to this system. I need to analyze and make a feasibility study about this online system of this town. We've been staying at Stella's house since we are doing this thesis. I am trying my best not to think of Mello. This thesis makes me sleepless. My brain keeps on thinking even when I sleep. I've heard from my sister that Mello is sick. His feet has been swelling. What just happened to him?

I skyped with Mello in the middle of the night and he is still awake in Japan. "Hey, what's up?"
"I'm okay, and you?" he said.
"You look pale." I noticed. I know there is something wrong with him.
"Uhm, well actually, my feet hurts. It's been swelling after I took some medicine from here," he said.
This is bad, "Aww, seriously? Since when?" I said.
"The last time we speak, I had to buy medicine from here. I took two tablets," he said. "I already went to the doctor here to have it check-up, they said I got overdosed from that medicine. But don't worry, they said I will be fine."
I was gone quiet. He showed me his feet and it looks bad.
"You are quiet now," he said, "don't worry, I will be okay. This is the reason why I am quite stuck in here. I was supposed to go back there by last week, but things got complicated. And my follow up check ups are not yet done," he added. "as soon as it is done, I will fly back there."
"You have to take care of yourself there. Drink the right medications, stay safe, okay?" I replied.
"Yes I will, Madame."
"Have you seen most of Japan?" I asked.
"No, not really. I went to see the mall before. I ate McDonald's and some sushi. Their ramen is seriously authentic and I so love it," he said.
"How are Chibi and Ayna?" I asked.
"Well, they are good. They've been around Japan. They are enjoying the snow," and he showed me the snow from his window. It was really good. I wonder when I will be able to get there.
"You have to take me to Japan one day, dude," I replied.

Two months later, our thesis is done and we passed it. Even tho I have been studying well, I can't stop thinking of Mello. I haven't heard anything from him. I just knew from Ella and Tina that he is back from Japan. Thank god he is back. But the last time I've heard from him, he is not so well. Because of this fucking Juz, I can't message him at all. Man, I need to deal with this guy. It's just that, I don't argue enough.

My dad is coming home after a long time. I am really happy that he will be back even it's only 30 days vacation. We will spend time cooking for sure because whenever my dad comes home, it is always a feast. One night, I dozed off on the couch in our lounge while watching T.V.

I saw Mello that he is struggling. He is very week and I could feel that there is something wrong with him. He is on the bed and he lifts his hand and then trying to reach me. My tears just went on and on. It feels like his body just floated in the air and he faded from my sight. Fuck, that was a very bad dream. I woke up and realized I am literally crying. I took my phone and checked the time, it was 8:00 P.M. Man, that was a long nap. I went to my sister and asked for Mello's phone number. I want to at least text him using my dad's mobile number. "Zup? This is Bambam." I sent the message, I have no idea if he will respond. Shit, I hope he does. A few minutes later, my phone beeps.
Mello: Hey, how are you?
Me: I'm okay. And you?
Mello: I'm okay.
Me: I missed you.
Mello: It's only you who doesn't communicate with me. Stop making me miss you.
Me: Lol. I will see you soon.
Mello: That's good. Let me know when. :*
Me: Sure thing. How're your feet?
Mello: It's okay, still swollen but it's getting better. I came home a few months ago.
Me: I've heard. Please take care of yourself, Okay?
Mello: You too, and please come see me soon. :*

Why it feels like I am twins with Mello? What I feel for him right now is like a brother. It feels like he is my long lost twin. I can feel his pain, that fucking dream felt so real.

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