The Phone Call

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Today is Mello's birthday and I just came from work. My body feels so tired. I won't be able to visit today on his birthday as I'm not feeling well. Due to lack of sleep and graveyard shift at work, and all the appointments I had these past few week, my body is over fatigue. I am laying on my bed and called Mama Lorna, "Hi, how are you?"
"I'm okay, Hun. And you?" she asked.
"I am okay, I just came from work. How is Mello's celebration?" I asked.
"Oh, we bought a cake for him. He is so happy, I made him eat a little, just a little bite."
I am smiling, "that's good. He knows it is his birthday right?"
"I think he knows, but he doesn't speak much today." she said.
"I'm really sorry, I won't be able to come there. I'm not feeling well at the moment." I said and now I feel so bad.
There was a silence on the phone, "that's okay hun, I know you are tired."
"I will try to wake up early tonight and join you guys before I go to work," I replied. "Tonight is my last day at work."
"Oh yeah, you told me. That's good. At least you can relax a bit." she said.
"Yes, that's true," I said. "Can I greet Mello before I go to sleep?"
"Sure thing, Hun." she said and she passes the phone to Mello.

There is a silence on the phone, and I know Mello is on the other line. "Hey Monkey, how are you?" I asked but he didn't reply. I feel that there is something wrong. When I left him before, he is responsive. "It's your birthday today, happy birthday!" I said, "I wish you will get well soon, I'm so sorry if I won't be able to come there now. I just came from work, and I will try my best to wake up early tonight and pass by before I go to work."
"Uhm," he said. At least he acknowledges what I just said.
"Love you Monkey, you take care always. Okay? Give the phone to Mom now," I said. "I will sleep now Mama Lorna, you take care of him, okay?"
"Always," she said.
I hung up the phone. I am laying down on my bed. I feel so tired but my mind is awake. My eyes are closing, slowly.

I'm hearing a whisper, "Bambam," I look around. "Stay with me," the voice said, "I need you." Fuck, I can't be dreaming again. My phone ring and it wakes me up. I look at the phone, it's Mama Lorna. It's only been an hour since I sleep. I sigh, thank god this call wake me up from another nightmare. I answer the phone, "Hey."
"Bambam!" Mama Lorna is crying.
"Hey, calm down. What happened?" I said.
"It's Mello. He is not breathing," she said. "Stay with me Mello, please!"
What the fuck? He is not breathing. All the cries and the panic on the phone are giving me chills. The time feels so slow and I have to think. I have to think of my move. "I'm coming there, let me call the ambulance." I jump from my bed and ran while calling the ambulance.

With my pajamas, I managed to run so fast. I don't even care whoever is on the way. I am running so fast that I don't care if I will trip along the way. I heard my mom called me but I just keep on running. I keep on running until I was able to find a taxi along the way. I called the ambulance and they are on their way. I'm panting but I don't care. He can't die tonight, he can't die. I call back Mama Lorna, "Hey, give him CPR. Check for pulse. Stay with me on the line."
"He is not breathing," Mama Lorna just keep on crying.
"Don't cry and listen to me, give him CPR. Press his chest so hard, keep pumping and pressing." I need to stay focus. He can't be dead. I am hearing all of them crying over the phone. He can't die.

I arrive very fast in their house, I ran to his room and saw him panting. He was smiling at me. What the fuck? "What happened?"
"You told me to keep on pumping his chest." Mama Lorna said panting. She was so exhausted from reviving Mello. We are all sitting on the floor. All of us panting.
I am so terrified.
"Monkey, we will take you to the hospital now. No matter how painful it is for you to be touch. Understand?" I said.
He nods at me and smiles like as if he is so happy to see me.
While we are waiting for the ambulance, I asked Mama Lorna, "what happened to him, how did he pass out?"
"I'm not really sure what happened, but he was acting weird earlier," she said. "I'm so scared for my son, Bambam."
"Don't worry, we will send him to the hospital. Even if we don't have the money yet. We will figure this out." I said.

The ambulance came, "Monkey, we need to move you to the car. But this will hurt, you have to take the pain." I said.
He nods as they tried to put him on the stretcher, "ouch" he yelled. "I am telling you, it hurts!!!" he said it in a very childish way. He is out of his mind again.
"Monkey, I'm so sorry monkey," I said. "Move him quickly, please," I said.

As we are about to get inside the ambulance, Mello asked, "where are we going?"
"We are taking you to the hospital, monkey," I replied as I am seeing Monkey is passing out again from his consciousness. "Look at me, monkey, stay with me." He looked at me and smile, "stay awake, just keep looking at me."
He is looking at me like he is memorizing my face, I look at him and he is smiling. I smiled at him. There is a moment of silence in the ambulance. He touched my face and smiled.

We arrived at the hospital, they took so long to assist us. Mello didn't let me go and he just holds my arm. "Stay with me," he said. He is coughing consistently but there is nothing coming out from his mouth.
They did some laboratory test with him and x-ray test. We are just quiet in the hospital. I called all our friends to come to the hospital, only Voltaire and Tina came as everyone is busy.

I left Mello to them and gave them some time. "What are we going to do?" Mama Lorna asked.
"What else? Of course, stay focus. We will be able to get through this." I said.
"Where will we find money for the hospitalization?" Mama Lorna said worriedly.
"We will find out, Mom," I replied as I stared in a blank space. I also don't know what to do now. I'm so confused, I feel very week and my chest hurts like as if I'm drowning.

It's my last day at work this night and here I am still in the hospital. "Hey, Sir." calling my manager. "Something urgent came up and I won't be able to come to work."
"What emergency is it? Is it life and death situation?" he said sarcastically.
"Yes it is, I am here in the hospital with my friend. I sent him here because he almost died earlier." I said.
"Oh? I'm sorry. But Dear, he is only your friend. Please come to work." he said.
"I will come to work, but a half day. I will be there around 4:00 A.M" I said in a straight forward manner.
"Okay, sure." he said and I hung up.

I sat next to Mello, I hold his hands and look at him while he is sleeping. I will do everything I can to make him well. I don't want him to die. I remember all the happy memories we shared. I really feel sorry for myself. I regret that I didn't spend time with him when I had the chance. I want him to be well. You need to be strong, Monkey.

Mama Lorna is sleeping in the chair. She looks so tired and I feel so sorry for her. I stand next to Mello as he is sleeping. "Monkey, I will be back. I will just have to go to work." I kissed his forehead and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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