Scary night

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It's their graduation day. I'm so happy for them. I went all the way to the convention just to see them march. As they throw their hats off in the air, Robert pulled me at the corner and asking for us to go home. I wasn't able to go and congratulate all of them, but I they know I'm so happy for them.

A few weeks later, Mello is looking for a job. He messaged me, "Hey, are you free tomorrow?"
"Yes, why?" I replied.
"Can you accompany me to the city?" he asked, "I have an interview for tomorrow, I don't want to go alone. Please?"
"Okay, fine. What time?" I replied. Man, I have to wake up so early then.
"At 10:00 A.M. But we have to see each other around 7:30 in the morning." he said.
"Man, that's so early!"
"Come on! I don't want anyone else. And you know I'm not good with directions. You have a sense of directions." He seriously trying to convince me. "I'm gonna wake you up in the morning, I'm gonna call you? I'm gonna come to your place? I will take care of the fare."
"Okay fine, I will wake up early. You owe me this okay? You can call me tomorrow in case I snooze my alarm. Lol." I replied.
"Yehey! Thank you! :* " he replied.

The next day, I saw him waiting for me at the bus stop. He is dressed so well. He hand over a water to me to drink as we go. It took 6 hours of waiting for him during his interview, that includes the assessment test they have for him. I'm so hungry, I messaged one of my friend who studies around the area, his name is Joecil. Unfortunately, he cannot come over as he still has classes. Mello messaged me on the other hand, "I know you must be hungry, I'm sorry! I promise this must be done soon."
"I'M SO HUNGRY! YOU BETTER HURRY! OR ELSE I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I replied to him. After few more minutes, it's already 4:00P.M, Mello and I went to McDonald's to eat. Man, french fries tastes so good.
"Lol! Relax! I know you are hungry," he laughed at me. He wiped the mayonnaise on my lips with the napkin.
"How did your interview go?" I asked him while my mouth is full of food. Man, I am so comfortable with Mello that I can do this in front of him. I can be myself when I am with him.
"It went well, I think they just have to send me the results and then I can work." he said, "to be honest, I realized that I don't feel like working with them."
"You got to be kidding me? Seriously? After I waited for you for 6 hours, you will not accept this job?" I was shocked.
"But I didn't like it there. I will find a different one." he replied, "I'm sorry to kept you waiting there."
"It's fine, I have McD's. Lol" and I laugh at him.

Another week has passed and I had to accompany him again in the city. This time it was quick and he finally accepted this job. It is a call center agent and he will be on the graveyard shift. After his interview, we ate in 7Eleven and went home. We took the bus going home, there was an awful traffic ahead and made me sleep on the bus. He took my head, and lean it on his shoulders. I felt comfortable and sleep.

A few months passed, late at night, I was chatting with Mello through Skype. He is getting ready for work and I am about to sleep. I was doing some research for my thesis. My project is to make a driving simulation for a driving school. "Hey, Are you busy still? How do I look?" he asked me.
I switch tabs and look at my Skype, "You look great, don't worry." of course he is cute as ever and we all know that. He always plays the song list of Leona Lewis. He is a die hard fan, he bought all her albums and kept it to his room and play it every day.
"Stop staring at yourself in the mirror and go, you will be late and it's dangerous," I said.
"Okay. Okay, sure. I'm going now." he said, "Alright, see you later." he waved and gave a flying kiss on the camera. I disconnected the video call and continue with my research. Two hours later, Mello is calling on Skype. I thought he left? What happened to him?

I answered the call. "Hey, I thought you left?"
"I got robbed," he replied.
"What the fuck? Are you serious? Are you hurt? Are you okay?" I replied panicking.
"I'm okay, lucky I have enough coins to go back home." he said, "I didn't continue going to work. I drop off somewhere and took a bus going back." he added.
"How the fuck it happened? I'm so worried now." I said.
"I dozed off in the bus. In the middle of the journey, there was this guy sat next to me, I ignored him and continue sleeping." he said, "the next thing I know, he has this sharp object pointed at my side, and he asked to put everything inside his bag. I was so scared so I gave him my iPhone and wallet." he added. "It happened so quick and he left. A few minutes later, I drop off and took the bus back here."
"Man, that's fucking scary. I'm glad you are okay." I replied.
"I was so sleepy and just gave him everything, God, I'm not going back to that place again. What if he knows my face and ask for the charger?" and he laughed.
I smirked at him and said "Seriously! You have to be careful next time. And I told you before that it is dangerous."
And we continue chatting until we sleep.

Since the incident, Mello never tried to apply again in the city. He just wanted a work near the area. We still hang out and eat pasta. I know that I am dating Robert, but seeing Mello doesn't bother him at all. Lucky he is not that jealous.

A few months later, my sister wanted to audition in a talent search. Mello came over to play volleyball with me. She wanted to take Mello with her. "Sis! I need Mello to accompany me there," she said. My sister is such a brat, we both tried to convince Mello to join her. After few hours of pleading, I said to him, "Come on! You are so handsome. Looking so good! Don't you want to show the world how amazing you are?"
"No, I don't want them to know. Lol," he replied and laugh.
"I'm serious, Mello. Please?" my sister said.
"What will I do there? Only accompany you right?" he replied to my sister.
"You have to take her all the way to the audition process. And I will only wait for you guys outside." I said.
He had to think momentarily. "Okay, fine. I'm gonna do it because I always ask your sister to come with me." he said, "But after this, no more okay?"
My sister was so happy.

The day has come, we had to go to the city for this audition. There are lots of people including teenagers and young adult who wants to be a superstar. In my head, I'm laughing. Come on, only a few people will be selected among these thousands of people. It's like you came here for nothing and it is a waste of time. In fairness to Mello, he dressed up well today, "Hmmmmm, you don't like coming here, huh?" I told him sarcastically.
"Lol. Of course, I have to dress well to impress the judges." he is being cool in front of me.
"Hahahaha. Okaaaay." I laughed at him.
As they go inside the audition area. Mello keeps on messaging me that he is nervous. I'm laughing my ass off and replied, "Don't worry, you will be fine." but in my mind, as I said, it is a waste of time and energy because there are lots of people out there auditioning too. But what if they got the part? Man, they will be famous. Mello will have a lot of fans for sure. With my sister? Lol. I don't know.

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