Limited time

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It was foggy and I can see everyone screaming, again. "He is dying! He is dying!" I am hearing lots of screams. "Bambam, I need you," I heard a whisper, from a very familiar voice, "stay with me." As I look around, all the scream are still there, I saw Mello standing in front of me. I feel that I'm floating, I am on the bed. There are so many lights, everything is so bright. Everything feels so vivid. What the fuck? I'm having a nightmare again. My heart started to raise and he said, "I'm begging you, please don't go." I am crying, I am crying so hard. I am panting, I am screaming so loud and I can't even hear myself. I want to get out from this fucking dream. My body feels collapsing, I can't move. I am falling. My eyes were dilated and I am paralyzed. I can feel some pain on my chest. What the fuck is going on. Everything went to blur and the last person I see is Mello.

I woke up from my terrifying dream. It was 11:00 P.M and I need to go to work. Everything feels so slow, I took a shower and didn't have the appetite to eat. During the two years back, I felt so uneasy like as if I am feeling Mello's pain even tho we don't have communication. It's something I cannot explain. But all I know, during those two years, there is something wrong with my bestfriend. I am I am in pain somewhere there.

I went to work and tried not to think of Mello. I answer calls, finish my emails and left at work. It was a very quick day for me. I couldn't concentrate on what I am doing at work. I don't even speak with Juz that much. I feel that I am so lost. I need to do something, I need to help him to recover.

For few days of coming to their house after work, he seems recovering from this illness. He is more talkative and reminiscing the past. He calls me, "Bam, we need to go to Dubai."
"Yes, we need to go," I am sitting next to him and holding his phone. I looked at him. He is very happy that I am here, and I can see it from his eyes.
"What took you so long to come to see me?" he asked, "is that because of that guy?"
"It was complicated, Monkey." I said, "but I am happy to be here. Are you happy that I am here?"
"Yes, of course, I am really happy," he replied, "you know, I remember it was Chibi's birthday and we swim, I asked your sister to come. Did she tell you?"
"Yes, she did," I replied. I just want to stare at him.
"When I recover, we will eat pasta," he said, "I cooked adobo and carbonara last time, the one you taught me before," he added, "It is my favorite." he took his phone from me, "I can't remember the password of this phone."
He can't remember the password of his phone but he can remember some of his memories. At least it is improving.
"Do you want me to cook for you?" I asked.
"No, it's okay. I'm not allowed to eat those for the meantime because of my medications," he said.

The day has passed and I could see improvement. From his condition, he needs to release all those water from his body. He is coughing most of the times but it was mild. My last day at work is in few days and I am finally free afterwards.

After work, Mama Lorna and I went to the city to have Mello's medical insurance settle. She spends so much of money for Mello's check-up. We ate in the fast-food for a quick lunch. "Thank you so much for coming with me," she said.
"You are welcome. You always are." I replied.
"We should take him for a laboratory test as per the doctors, we need to take him for biopsy test. But it cost a lot," she said.
"Don't worry, I have a plan. I have an aunt who knows someone from the charity who could give us sponsorship for the test." I replied, "I will contact her later as soon as we go home."
"Thank you so much, Bambam. I'm so lucky to have you in our lives," she said.
We took the bus going home. Because of the traffic, we dozed off in the bus.

My body is so tired and I want to sleep. It's been a lot these past few months. I don't even know what is Juz feeling. Well, I know, of course, he is jealous. He wouldn't say that he is because he knows we will argue about this. He doesn't even ask me how is Mello. He would ask but he would make the conversation fast and then move on to the next topic.

Knowing that I'm leaving the country for good soon is freaking me out. I feel that I don't have much time for my family, for Mello and for Juz. They all need time. I am so stressed, how can I do all these in 2 months?

I contact my aunt who has a connection with a charity. I have to go all the way to their place to have it settle. I asked Mama Lorna to come with me all the way to the city. I am scared, what if they don't accept such thing? It was 12:00 noon and the sun is so hot. I just came from work and here I am with Mama Lorna. They are asking us to wait by the lobby to be called. I have my Ipad with me with Mello's picture. "Why don't we contact his dad?" I asked Mama Lorna while we are seated in the lobby.
"We don't have communication, you know that." she replied sadly.
They have been separated since Mello was born. He never saw his father. He is the first child in the family. "He needs to be with Mello's side right now," I said.
"I don't want to contact him. His family is complicated," she replied.
"He is rich, he can send Mello for this laboratory tests and have him treated." I replied, "I hate his Dad, he never cared." I added.
"Hun, don't worry about him. We can settle this without his help," she said. "My son is recovering quickly, thanks to your presence. He is more jolly and he is communicating now."
"Well, you know I would do everything for him, right?" I said.
"I know, I love you, my daughter," she said.

We are at the office of the CEO of this charity. He approved our request for sponsorship. However, he needs to get all the medical bills from the previous and the upcoming check-up and treatments. It is like we can reimburse them. We are so happy with the news. It would be a big help for his medications and treatments.

Two weeks has passes and Mello's birthday is coming tomorrow, unfortunately, it is also my last day at work. God my schedule is so hectic. Few more weeks I will be in Dubai. This is the worst. I feel that my time is ticking. I want to go to visit Mello on his birthday.
As I came home, my body feels really tired and I need to rest. My mind is so awake thinking of Mello, I want him to recover fast. "How is your day?" my Mom asked.
"It was okay, we went to aunt's place to get help from the Mayor," I replied.
"Did they approved it?" she replied.
"Yes, they did," I said.
"I am so glad of that," she said, "I hope Mello recovers fast. I will visit him soon."
"Yes, you should. He would be happy to see you. He misses your food," I replied. "Tomorrow is his birthday." There was a silence between us.
My mom sigh, "That guy, he is so adorable. I wish him well."
Yes, he is so adorable. I know that. "Unfortunately, he is not allowed to eat pasta yet," I said.
My mom keeps on talking with me, my eyes are closing slowly. My body is tired and I fell asleep.

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