Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

On the way to their new home for the next couple of months, the members had to split up. This was due to the fact that their was too many of them to fit into one car.

They were going to go and stay in Minho's house for a while as Minho had a big house with many rooms.
Minho's house didn't only belong to himself if also belonged to the MASKerteers.
They got it specially built so that there was enough rooms for the 6 friends, their manager and for Minho.
The reason for why it was classed as 'Minho's house' rather than 'their house' was because Minho practically lived there. He's always looked after the house for them and he DOES live there.
You may be asking "How do they have a house there if they aren't from Korea?"
Well this is because Mason, the manager, used to live in Korea and he loved it a lot. This caused him to make his own house and when he because a manager for the MASKerteers he decided to make the house bigger for the members to stay in too.

Anyways the members split up into two groups.
Maya and Adrian got into Minho's car and the others got into the bigger car that had its own driver.

Before they split into groups, Maya realised that there were a lot of people outside the airport. This didn't really worry the group as no one really knew who they were due to them wearing masks on stage to separate their personal life from their public life. She was more concerned about who could they be screaming for. She LOVES Kpop groups so it was just in instinct to care so much.

"Come on!" Minho interrupted her train of thought. "You'll be seeing whoever it is anyways."

He wasn't wrong. Even though she wanted to stay back and see who it was she was also dragged away from the situation.

At the car park;

"Dibs on the front seat!" Maya yelled out as she went running for the car.

"No!" Adrian yelled out as he went running after the front seat too.

When they both arrived at the front seat they were pushing and shoving each other holding onto the door handle.

"Hey! Hey! Guys! Don't break my car!" Minho yelled out.

"Ouch!" Maya fell on the floor with her hands by her side to give her some support. She lifted her hand to her face to see her injured palms. She started to cry due to the pain.

"Oh my god! Mae, you alright? I'm so sorry. Here take my hand let me help you up." Adrian put his hand out to help Maya up.

"Ouch!" Maya grabbed his hand with a sad look to her face but then pulled him down to the ground as she got up and smirked down at him.

"That's what you get!" She gave a cheeky grin to him as she stuck her tongue out at him and got into the front seat.

"This calls for war!" Adrian yelled as he got up from the floor and tried to open the front seat door.

Maya was sat there all relaxed as she had locked the door and occasionally turned her head to tease him by showing her tongue to him.

"Have fun!" Ava told Minho as she got into the van.

"It's been 7 years, you'd think that they matured up even a little." Minho replied.

"7 years for you but for us, well it's like time moved on but they still remained the kids that they always have been." Mason added before they all got into their transport and left the airport.

During the journey home, Minho and the two 'children' were talking about how it's been so long since they've seen each other and how they miss each other.

"It's been 7 years since the last time I saw you." Maya said with excitement in her tone.

"WE saw you." Adrian added from the back with annoyance for both, having to sit at the back and because Maya never added him.

"Yh it has. I've missed you guys a lot. But it doesn't feel like I missed out on much since we talk to each other everyday for hours." Minho said as he couldn't help but chuckle at Adrian's reaction to Maya's comment.

"Yh. We started off talking to each other through the newly developed non brick phones, to FaceTimeing each other everyday." Adrian added a little relaxed now.

The whole journey went with them talking about their past.

Adrian got a call from Jason telling him that they were going to stop for some food.

"Adz, we're gonna stop at a café to get something to drink..."

"Can we stop at Starbucks or even McDonald's? Please, please, please!" Maya screamed from the front to the back.

The phone was on speaker so that everyone could hear.

"We'll see." Jason added.

"Ok, just text me where you guys are gonna go and we'll meet you there." Adrian added before hanging up the phone.

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