Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As the others were sleeping, Maya and Adrian filled 2 big buckets with water.

"Ready?" Adrian said as he stood infront of one bedroom door.

"Ready." Maya said as she stood infront of another bedroom door.

"Go!" They both yelled as they pushed the bedroom doors open and threw one full bucket of water onto 2 different couples.

"Ew my eyes!" Maya shouted out though laughs.

"Get a room!" Adrian added as he also died with laughs.

"We did get a room!" The 2 couples shouted out.
"You guys are so dead!"

Maya and Adrian ran for their lifes as they laughed at what just happened.

"Ah! Naked people chasing me!" Maya yelled out as she knocked on Minho's room really quickly.

"Help!" Adrian yelled out after as he knocked on Minho's door after Maya.

Minho came out of his room but was sent straight to the floor with 4 other members.

"Mae! Ads! You guys are so dead!" Jason, Naomi, Isaac, Ava and Minho all said together as they got up and charged for the two "children".

"Oh no!" Adrian and Maya looked at each other before running in opposite directions.

They were chased all around the house until they managed to run into their own rooms and lock the door when they heard Mason shout.

The next morning, the nine members all entered the kitchen and living room.
The living room and kitchen were open so they are considered one.

They all sat around the island and started to eat breakfast together.

After eating breakfast Maya wanted to go out of the house to do some shopping and just have a nice day out.

"Maaasssoon." She said really softly.
"Mase" She went and chained her arms around his and hugged him tighter as she made a cute puppy face.

"What do you want?" He questioned.

"I think Flash wants to go for a walk. Isn't that right Flash?" She excused her thoughts and went down to pick Flash up.

 Isn't that right Flash?" She excused her thoughts and went down to pick Flash up

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Mason just chuckled at her excuse. "If you really want to go out you can." He said.

"Yes!" She screamed out as she kissed Mason on the cheek.



"Take Minho with you."

"Ok!" She walked away with a big smile on her face.
"Minhooooo!" She yelled out.
"Minho! Hurry up and come down I want to go shopping." She yelled out.

"I'm coming too!" Adrian yelled out as he ran out of Maya's room.

"Why are you in my room?" She questioned but then turned her head as this was something he always did.
"Anyways get ready quickly then. I'll be waiting outside. Come on Flash."
She put Flash's leash on. Flash's leash was the them of "Flash" the TV program.
As she waited for the boys to come out she sat on the doorstep cuddling Flash and playing with him.

"I want to ride the motorbike." Maya shouted out as the boys finally made their way out of the house.

"What about Flash?" Adrian added.

"You guys are going by car, so put him in the car." She statued making a "duh" face.

"Ok, but make sure you wear the helmet. You don't even have a licence though." Minho added.

"It's doesn't matter. No one will know. The helmet will cover my face and this black outfit will help me keep undercover. Besides I'm used to it." She said as she put her helmet on and got onto the motorbike.

"Maya! Be safe!" Adrian yelled out from behind.

They were now at the main shopping area of Seoul. There were cafés and outdoor stores everywhere. There was a park near by so they spent their time at the park playing with Flash.

"Flash! Come here boy, come on." Adrian yelled out as Flash was in the middle of the 3 friends and they were circled around him.

"Flash my baby. Come to mummy, come on." Maya yelled out.

"Since when did you become a mum." Adrian remarked.

"Since the day Flash was born." Maya replied back as she stuck her tongue out.

The two of them started to argue and Minho just fell to the floor laughing.

"You guys can argue over anything. I missed you guys so much." He said between laughs.

As the two argued and Minho was flat on the floor laughing rather than breaking them up Flash wondered off.
Maya realised that Flash wasn't by their side and saw that he was with 7 other boys who were playing with him. The boys were wearing masks and seemed really close to each other.

"Flash come here boy!" Maya walked over to Flash but Flash ran towards her stopping her from going any further.
As she petted Flash she looked up at the boys who were being adorable with Flash and smiled. She waved at them before walking away.
"Guys come on! I want a drink!" Maya yelled out as she ran with Flash to a near by café.

"Mae, you get the drinks we'll go get the car." Minho said as he walked away with Adrian.

"Mae! Be safe!" Adrian yelled out as he was being dragged away by Minho.

"I'm not a baby!" Maya yelled back.

"You are to us!" The two boys yelled out in sync with each other causing Maya to grunt at them.

"Hey, wait! What about Flash?" She yelled out but was too late as they were no longer in sight.
Flash started barking as well.

Maya went down to Flash's level and cupped his face.
"Looks like your stuck with me." She said as she kissed him.

"Ouch!" Maya was pushed by someone and fell onto the floor.

"Oh, mianhe!" A tall boy with a mask on his face wearing Timberland boots said as he gave her his hand.

"It's alright don't worry, gwenchana." She said as she got up and wiped the dust off her knees. She had a strong accent when she spoke in English.

She found the voice very familiar but couldn't put her finger on it.

Flash started barking towards the stranger in a loving way. The boy went down on his knees to pet Flash too.

"Ah! The park!" Maya thought as she recognised the guy as one of the boys who played with Flash.
When she saw the Timberland boots and the white shirt she couldn't help but imagine the guy being a Kpop idol, such as Jungkook, this made her laugh to herself.

She then turned around as the tall boy was pulled away by another boy who was shorter and looked more squishy through the mask.

Maya tied Flash's leash to a pole and went inside to order before kissing Flash one last time.

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