Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Hey, Flash! Here boy, come on!" Maya was running around in the park field playing with Flash.

She kept laughing as she was having fun with Flash. She sat on the glass with her legs spread out calling Flash to come to her. Flash came running to her and jumped onto her. He started to lick her face causing Maya to laugh.

She then got up and went to the top of the hill and rolled down on the grass. Flash came running behind her.

She threw Flash's ball and when he went to fetch it she pretended to run away causing Flash to run between her legs.

"Ok Flash. Watch this."

She did a handstand backwards and landed into a crab stand. Flash ran around her barking. He went under her and ran out through her legs. Maya couldn't help but laugh at Flash's reaction. Flash then ran to her face and started to lick her lips and nose causing Maya to laugh and fall on her back.

When she was on her back Flash jumped onto her chest and started to lick her face again. This caused Maya to laugh some more.

(Korean) "Having fun there?" A male voice said from besides her.

"De." Maya responded with before turning her head.
"Oh shit!"
She rolled onto her front before trying to get up.

Someone then sat ontop of her causing her to go flat on her stomach.


"I don't think so." The female voice on top of her spoke.

"Flash! Save me!" Maya yelled.

"Come here boy! Come on Flash!" A male voice called Flash over.

Flash went running to the voice barking.

"Flash you can't cheat on me!" Maya yelled out struggling to get out from under the pressure on top.

"Get off of her!" A manly voice yelled.

"Your gonna hurt her!" A female voice yelled.

The female on top got off of Maya.

"Mae, get up." A female put her hand out to help Maya up.

"I don't trust you." Maya said looking up at the female.

(Korean) "Do you trust me?" A male voice spoke reaching his hand out.

Maya turned her head to see who it is. She grabbed his hand.

(Korean) "Obviously!" She responded with.
"Wait! Actually, no I don't! You tried to get me wet." She said as she pushed Suga a little.
"Flash! Run!" She yelled as she ran away from BTS, the MASKerteers, Mason, Mimi, Minho and Seijin.

"Maya stop!" Jason yelled.


"Maya!" Isaac yelled


As she was running she bumped into Taehyung causing them both to fall to the ground.

(Korean) "Ouch! Sorry! Are you ok?" Maya asked.

But before Taehyung could respond Maya was jumped on by Adrian.

"SANDWICH!" The 5 friends yelled as they all jumped on top of each other.

A couple of minutes later, they all were in the park playing with Flash.

Taehyung, Jungkook, Jhope and Jimin were on the swings. Jungkook and Taehyung were on the swings while Jimin pushed Taehyung and Jhope was pushing Jungkook. Maya with them as she sat down stroking Flash on the floor. The others were somewhere else.

Isaac and Adrian were messing about while Ava was hitting Isaac and Minho was attacking Adrian.

Jason and Naomi were just walking together in the park.

Rap Monster and Jin were also with Isaac and Adrian laughing at them.

Suga was next to Maya on the floor with Flash. He was falling asleep.

(Korean) "Do you wanna go on the swing?" Jungkook asked Maya.

"Aniyo." Maya responded with as she looked down at Flash and smiled.

Jungkook sat down next to Maya playing stoking Flash too.

(Korean) "He's really cute." Jungkook said.

(Korean) "Yeah, I love him." Maya responded with.

Flash then got up and ran off. Maya got up to chase after him and Jungkook followed.

"Flash where you going?" Maya asked.

(Korean) "He's probably going to find a place to do his business in." Jungkook said.

(Korean) "How'd you know?" Maya asked looking at him when Flash stopped at a tree.

(Korean) "Cuz he was stiffing around and cuz he stoped at a tree." Jungkook responded with.

After Flash was done, they decided to stay in that area as it was really pretty. There was colourful flowers everywhere and the view was just amazing. Maya sat down on the glass admiring the beauty and Jungkook did the same besides her. Flash layer down on her lap.

(Korean) "I don't want to hurt you, you know that right?" Maya said to Jungkook as she stared out at the view.

(Korean) "Yh. And besides it's best to stay as friends since your going to be coming out with who you are." He said.

"De." Maya said as she layed on her back looking up at the perfect blue sky.

Jungkook then layed besides her. Flash tried to lay on both of their stomachs but since there was a bag gap he failed to.
Maya and Jungkook released and started to laugh. They then moved closer together so that Flash could have what he wants. After they were really close with each other, there was no gaps between them. Flash had his front paws and head on Jungkook's stomach with his lower body on Maya's stomach.

Maya and Jungkook turned their heads towards each other to smile at how adorable Flash was being but realised that their faces were really close to each other.

They stared at each other for awhile. Jungkook then came closer to Maya's face. He put his hand under her head and got up a little bit causing Flash to jump off them both. He had his free hand on Maya's empty side. Maya closed her eyes causing Jungkook to close his eyes as he leaned in a little more.

Their lips touched slightly and Jungkook moved his head a little back. They both opened their eyes and smiled at each other. Jungkook then leaned in again and they both closed their eyes. Maya put one of her hands on Jungkook's neck and her other hand in his hair. Their lips were moving in sync with each other. (😬😬😬 I'm sorry)

Authors note;


I don't know what to say.....
Your welcome?

So they finally kissed and it's a little... well.... deep 😏

But I hope your enjoying it so far

It's almost done, I promise (puts right hand on her heart)

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