Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"I hate you guys!" Maya said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Here!" Someone handed her a bottle of water. She didn't know who. She took the bottle of water and drank from it. As she was drinking she lifted her head up to realise that the boys were non other than BTS. She nearly almost choked on the water.

"Why do you hate us by the way?" Rap Monster asked knowing that she wasn't directing it towards them.

Maya gave a cheeky awkward laugh to BTS as she closed the bottle and turned to open the car door as it was moving.

(Korean) "Ya! What are you doing? Do you want to die?" An angry Jin spoke out as he grabbed her by the arm.

Maya then received a call.
"Hello?" As she answered she felt very awkward.
"Minho!... They left me.... I was chased by some fans and then BTS picked me up.... Yes! Oh my god! Yes please!.... Ok, meet you there.. Bye, love you!"

(Korean) "Was that your boyfriend?" Taehyung spoke out like a little child.

(Korean) "No, that was my childhood friend, Minho. He's Korean." Maya replied back.

(Korean) "By the way, aren't you Maya?" Jungkook asked.

"Errr... no... excuse me, driver, do you mind stopping here please." Maya tried to avoid the question as she spoke in English.

The car stopped and Maya opened the door to leave. Jungkook got out of the car as he was convinced that she was Maya.

(Korean) "Ya! Your Maya, I know you are."

(Korean) "Sorry wrong person!" Maya yelled back as she was running away.

(Korean) "I know it's you!" Jungkook shouted out.

(Korean) "Jungkook oppa, Give it up." Maya said as she smirked over her shoulder to Jungkook.

(Korean) "Did you just call me oppa? I'm not your oppa. Ya, don't call me that! If anything your my noona." Jungkook shouted out behind her as he was walking towards her causing Maya to run away laughing at his reaction.

Maya then stopped when she heard noona. (Korean) "I'm younger than you so therefore your my oppa."

(Korean) "I'm not your oppa!"

(Korean) "Oppa!" She teased in a whining voice.

(Korean) "Ya!" Jungkook shouted as he stapled closer.

(Korean) "Oppa, why are you shouting at me?" Maya teased as she pretended to get upset.

(Korean) "Stop it!" Jungkook grabbed her by her shoulders.

(Korean) "Oppa are you really going to hurt me?" Maya was having a blast teasing Jungkook. Jungkook turned away from her throwing his hands up in defeat.

The members in the van couldn't help but laugh at their situation as they could see that Jungkook was getting angry. Jungkook then turned around ready to catch her but Maya just kept running away.

As she was running away she heard screaming from behind her and people screaming Jungkook.

Jungkook was too far from the car to run into it and there was no one around him to help him out.
When Maya turned around she say that a swamp of girls had almost swallowed Jungkook. Maya quickly ran back to Jungkook and pushed the girls out of her way as she went and held only Jungkook's hand.

(Korean) "Ya! Step back! Get away!" Maya yelled at the fans as she was pushing them away.

(Korean) "What you going to do about it bitch?" One of the girls yelled out.

"You didn't just call me a bitch!" Maya replied in English as she backed up with Jungkook to the car.
(Korean) "Get in!" She quickly whispered to Jungkook and pushed him into the van.
(Korean) "Listen! If you really love BTS, the way you say you do, you wouldn't harass them like this, leave them alone."

One of the girls stepped forward and tried to be intimidating towards Maya.
(Korean) "Listen, if you know what's best for you, you'd stay out of this. After all, you don't seem confident enough to show your face never mind stand up for someone."
The girl stood over Maya as she pulled off her hoodie from her face.

Maya quickly turned her face so that she was facing BTS.
BTS all looked at her in surprise and she looked at them in surprise. Jungkook was the only one who was smirking as he knew it all along.
Maya looked down at the van and saw a black mask. She quickly grabbed it, shut the door and ran towards a motorbike.

"Minho! Quickly throw me the helmet!" She yelled out as she identified Minho's figure.

Minho threw the helmet at Maya's direction and she quickly put it on. She was still being chased by the girls. She quickly got onto the motorbike and wrapped her arms around Minho's waist.
"Go, go, go!" She yelled out.

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