Chapter 26

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Authors note; there's 2 more to go people 😁 I'm sorry that this has took forever to end and to read 😫 please stay with me ❤️ hop you guys are enjoying it, if not I am really truly sorry 😓😥🙏🏼

Chapter 26

When they were walking home, Maya was behind everyone as she was walking slowly with Flash. She was looking at the beautiful sceneries and talking to Flash.

"You know Flash? I wouldn't mind moving here."
"It's really beautiful and the best thing about it would be that I get to be with you, Minho, Mimi and Jun...."
she stopped as she wasn't thinking before she spoke.

(Korean) "I know your avoiding me." A voice spoke from behind.

Maya turned around to see who it was.

(Korean) "Can we at least be friends?" Jungkook said.

Maya just stopped on her spot and smiled as a response.

"Of course!" She said.

Jungkook walked to her side and they started to walk again.

(Korean) "Jin hyung told me why your afraid." He said looking down.
"We don't have to rush into anything. We can forget about that kiss if you want and just be friends until your ready."

"Mianhe." Maya said looking down.

"Wae?" He asked.

(Korean) "I don't want to hurt you and for refusing you. I do like you, I really do but... I .... I just want to be friends right now." She told him.

(Korean) "of course. If that means I still get to talk to you I'm fine with that." He said.

They both walked back to the MASKerteers house in silence.

(Korean) "OK! So looks like we'll be off." Seijin spoke.

(Korean) "Don't be silly! Why don't you just stay a night? It was really fun to have you guys over." Mason said.

(Korean) "The boys need to practice tomorrow." Seijin

(Korean) "So do my kids. We have a dance studio in our house, they can practice here. And besides I'm two days they'll be performing on stage and it was be awesome if BTS also joined in." Mason offered.

(Korean) "Yh that would be awesome! Ok, we'll stay let us just go grab some clothes." Seijin

(Korean) "You want me and Minho to take you?" Mason offered

(Korean) "Sure." Seijin took the offer

Minho drove Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon while Mason drove Jhope, Suga, Jin and Seijin.

The others were left at home.

Maya was in Adrian's room laying on his bed with Flash and her phone.

"Bro! That was harder than I thought!" Adrian said as he opened his ensuite door to leave the bathroom with Minho behind him.

"EWWWW! You guys were in the toilet together. Wait till I tell everyone!" Maya got up to run for the door to leave the room.

Adrian and Minho glanced at each other before running to catch her.

"Let go of me!" She said through a muffled voice as she had Minho's hand over her mouth.

Adrian was in front of her holding her by the waste while Minho had his arm around her stomach and a hand over her mouth. Minho pulled her towards the bed and released her causing her to fall flat on the bed and Adrian got on top of her to prevent her from jumping up. Minho then climbed onto the bed so that he was sat where her head was pinning her down.

"This is rape!" Maya screamed.

"No it's not!" Adrian said.

"We're not touching you sexually and neither would we want to." Minho said.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Maya shouted.

"Only if you promise not to say anything." Adrian tried to deal with her.

"I was only helping him fix his shelf." Minho said.

"Fine! Why is he so nervous is you weren't doing anything." Maya said hinting towards Adrian.

"Cuz you'd ruin me." Adrian respondedZ

They released her and she sat up.

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