Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Maebae, can we go see taetae, kookie and squishy please?" Rose asked Maya as she came running into Maya's room and jumped onto her lap.

Rose called Taehyung taetae as he told her to and Jungkook kookie because that's what everyone called him. Rose also said she liked the name kookie because she loves cookies and she loves Jungkook. She called Jimin squishy because she said he looks so squishy and soft. At times she had tried to bite jimins cheeks. Her excuse for why she tried doing it was because he looks soft like a marshmallow.

"Let me ask the boys if they want to meet up." Maya said as she had Rose on her lap and flash on Roses lap.

Maya took her phone out and rang Jungkook.
(Korean) "Hello? Bunny? Rose wants to see you guys... Yh..... park?.... Yh..... ok see you there.... Love.... you too."
She hung up and blushed to herself.
This was the first time he said "I love you" to her and she almost responded with "I love you too."

The 3 boys told Maya to come to a park that no one went to. In the park it was only Maya, Rose, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. Rose wanted to wear the same outfit as Maya so Maya wore the same outfit.
They both wore a black and white adidas top. Maya wore a t-shirt with a grey and white cardi on top and Rose wore a adidas jumper. They both wore some skinny jeans that had rips on the knees and a pair of white adidas trainers with black stripes. The boys all wore a white top of some sort and some black jeans. Jungkook wore a white shirt with black jeans and black and white Nike trainers. Jimin wore a white jumper with black jeans that had big rips at the knees and some black boots and Taehyung wore a white jumper with some blue denim shorts and some black and white adidas trainers.
They didn't plan to match but ended up matching any how.
(There's a picture of what I'm imagining their outfits to be like on the top if you want to see)

When they all met at the white park, Rose went running to Taehyung. He picked her up and kissed her on the cheek and ran around with her as Jimin tried to catch them. Jungkook picked Rose up before she went to Taehyung and kissed her before he released her. He then walked over to Maya and locked his hand with hers.

(Korean) "looks like we're all matching." Jungkook said as he guided her to the picnic table.

(Korean) "Yh. It's so cute how we didn't plan it though." Maya responded with as she sat down near him.

Rose came running up to Maya and pulled her away from Jungkook.

(Korean) "Maebae! Come play with me." Rose knew Korean as her mum taught it her. Her mum wanted her to know both English and Korean as her mum was Korean.

"Yes Rose. I'm coming." Maya responded in English as she was used to talking in English with her.
(Korean) "Come. Let's go and play with the others." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up as Rose pulled her.

As they were standing and playing with Rose Jimin and Taehyung came up to Maya.

(Korean) "You know he likes you right?" Jimin told Maya.

(Korean) "sorry?"

(Korean) "He likes you. Like a lot." Taehyung commented before running to Rose.

(Korean) "He's liked you for a while now but he's not good at talking to girls." Jimin told Maya.

"Errrr..." Maya was lost for words

(Korean) "Anyways, how are you?" He changed the topic really quickly as Jungkook came up to them.

(Korean) "Yh, I'm ok." Maya responded with.

(Korean) "How's the mask situation going?"

(Korean) "Still hectic but it's ok since no one knows who we really are."

(Korean) "Don't let this bother you. We know that you didn't do anything bad and was only looking out for us." Jungkook spoke as he stood behind Maya resting his head on her shoulder and had his arms wrapped around her waist. This caused Maya to smile.

When Jungkook placed his head on her shoulder he had to bend down as Maya was shorter than Jungkook.

"Oooooooo!" Jimin teased the too of them. This caused Jungkook to release her and start to blush along side Maya.

(Korean) "Stop it!" Jungkook pushed Jimin.

(Korean) "Hey! I'm older than you!" Jimin spoke up.

(Korean) "Well your shorter than me." Jungkook teased him as he laughed at Jimin.

Maya slowly snuck away from them and went to play with Rose and Taehyung. They were playing chase with each other.

After a while, Maya went to KFC to get food for everyone leaving everyone at the park. She was the only one who could go without anyone recognising her. Jungkook also tagged along as he wore his mask over his face to make sure no one recognised him. It was still obvious it was him but he wanted to go with Maya.

As they walked to the KFC Jungkook held onto Maya's hand. He interlocked their fingers together. Maya didn't know exactly how to react to it so she tried to release his grip but he held on tighter.

Authors note:

So I've realised I don't really leave an authors note but that's cuz I don't want to disturb you guys from reading.

I hope your enjoying to story though!

Let me know how it is and don't forget to vote if you like and comment if you don't or do to let me know what you like or what you hate and how to improve it

Thank you 🖤💙

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