Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Mae!" Adrian ran to them both and pushed Jungkook off of Maya.

"Hey!" Minho yelled after Adrian as he built a body barrier between the two.

"AYYYYY JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon and Jhope shouted as they walked to his side.

Jungkook looked down as he sat up and had a faint smile on his face as he blushed. He tried to look at Maya but Maya couldn't return the look as Minho and Adrian were on either side of her shaking her.

"Maya! Are you alright?!" Minho shouted as he looked down at Maya who was laying on the grass.

"Ye...." she  as interrupted by Adrian.

"You haven't lost..... you know.... your..." Adrian couldn't finish his sentence as Maya put her hand to his mouth and pushed him on the grass where now she was on top of him with her legs either side.

"Don't you dare finish your sentence!" She said looking down at him.

Adrian but his hands up in defeat. This caused Minho to laugh at the two. The others walked up to them and they saw that Adrian was being attacked by Maya and they just laughed.

After a while, Maya was back to being alone with Flash. She was doing flips and handstands. Flash just kept liking her face which caused her to fall to the floor.

"Flash!" Maya said as she rolled onto her stomach looked at Flash in front of her. He had his front paws in front of Maya with his face resting in between them and his lower body raised in the air. He stuck his tongue out and swayed his tail from left to right.

Maya stroke his head as she astarted to roll down the hill. Flash copied her.

(Korean) "Your gonna get dirty." Jin said as he walked up to her.

(Korean) "Its Alright." Maya said as she layed flat on her back with Flash on top.
"Arn't you worried people will recognise you?" She asked

(Korean) "Not really. This area is dead. Hardly anyone comes here." He replied.

"True." Maya said

When Jin sat down next to her she sat up with Flash between her legs. Flash then ran to Jin's lap.

(Korean) "He's so cute. How old is he?" Jin asked.

(Korean) "He's three." Maya replied as she petted him.

(Korean) "oh. By the way, Adrian and Minho were saying about how your afraid to fall in love?" Jin spoke

(Korean) "Yh. When I was younger I witnessed love turn to hate. It was horrible to witness and I struggled through it but Adz and Mi Na were there to look after me." Maya told Jin as she locked down at Flash.

(Korean) "What happened?"

(Korean) "When I was younger I used to live with both my parents. Growing up I was showered with love, as I was an only child, they called me the miracle child." She chuckled a little trying to prevent a tear from falling.

Jin noticed and put his arm around her.

(Korean) "My parents always showed they love each other. But when I turned 15 things went down hill. They would always argue about stupid things. They would argue about money, me, anything really. I hated staying at home and i started to get bullied in school." Maya couldn't help but start to cry.

(Korean) "My parents didn't know though. I'd go and stay in Adrian's house and that's the time Rose was born. I'd use that as an excuse saying omma, Mi Na, needed me to help her with Rose.  She knew what was happening at home and so did Adrian so they let me stay with them. It got to the point where my parents finally got a divorce. It was horrible. I remember being dragged to court repeatedly. They were fighting over custody for me. They gave me the choice of who I wanted to be with. I didn't want to hurt any one of them but if I didn't pick I'd have been put into an orphanage." She sobbed into Jin's shoulder before continuing.

(Korean) "I picked my dad. He lived where I knew everyone and I'm more close to him than I am with my mum. I was still bullied in school but Adz was always by my side and he always stuck by me." She finished off.

(Korean) "Mae, you know your really special and brave, don't you? Looking at you now, no one would have guessed any of that happened to you." Jin said as he comforted her.

Maya just smiled at him.

(Korean) "I don't think I can give Jungkook what he deserves." Maya said.

That caused Jin to turn his head and look at her.

(Korean) "I shouldn't have kissed him. Now all I'm gonna do is hurt him." Maya said.

Flash jumped onto her lap and started to lick her face. That caused Maya to smile.

(Korean) "Listen. I know that you like him and he likes you. You also know this along with him. But you don't need to rush into anything just take your time." Jin said

"De, gomsamida." Maya replied to Jin as she hugged him.

They both got up and walked over to the group.

The whole time they were at the park Maya was with Jin. Jin was making sure that Maya was ok. He was acting like an older brother and was being really cute.

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