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Jay: Okay, Kidney, let's start answer those questions of me

Kidney: Wait, before that, I have something to show you

Jay: What?

Kidney: Remember when you asked me to make a book cover for Fixing the Broken Heart?

Jay: Yeah, so?

Kidney: Take a look at this masterpiece, son!

Kidney: Take a look at this masterpiece, son!

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Jay: What with the forest part?

Kidney: Meh, I don't know

Jay: Okay, just as I promised. Shoutout to kidneypoop for this cover. Now, can we get to the questions?

Kidney: Okay, first one: What is your worst school experience? (from XxAaronStoriesxX)

Jay: One time a female student, about 3 years older than me, blocked me and my friends' way and talked dirty to us. I couldn't control my temper so I shouted at her: "Shut up brat cat!"

Kidney: And what so special about it?

Jay: First, I shouted at someone who is older than me. Second, that girl had a great reputation on Facebook, each of her pics was about 1000 likes, I think

Kidney: So what happened?

Jay: Her gang beat me up, with about 6 punches in the shoulders and 3 leg sweeps. I still got the bruises on my shoulder ever since. However, I never regret it, because I like naming anyone who still think they are human

Kidney: Geez, I have a cousin who talked dirty at a hotface (a word to call anyone who isn't a celebrity but has great reputation on Facebook in my country)

Jay: Whatever, next question

Kidney: Who's your best friend? (from xXPandaPodXx)

Jay: It's PhucHong880, he used to be a bully when he was about 6 or 7, but he's a good friend now. Oh yeah, he used to be a matchmaker for me and Newjin back then

Kidney: Speaking of matchmaker, we have another question from the same user. Are you a matchmaker or a matchbreaker?

Jay: I would say... both

Kidney: Wut?

Jay: I ship my classmates with anyone else, and it's usually successful. However, depends on that person's personality, the ship could sink anytime

Kidney: For example...

Jay: You and May

Kidney: Damn it!

Jay: Anyway, let's stop this. I have some works to do. See y'all in the next chapter

Kidney: Yeah, bye or whatever

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