"Hardcore and Shyness" in one page

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So we all have seen things like "Tokyo Ghoul in 5 minutes" or "Attack on Titans in 9 minutes". But, have y'all ever seen "Fanfics in one page"

Yeah, this will be a mini series for this book. And how will it be? I'll show you this example, "Hardcore and Shyness in one page", also my first Amour book. Enjoy the cringe

The story all started in Vanivile High, one of the most overused school in Amour history, when the girl that-everyone-thought-she-was-the-hero-and-the-star-of-the-book Serena, a "fake" gangster, bumped into a random boy

Serena: What the fu-


Serena: Fine.

???: Uh oh, I'm sorry. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Serena: Can you stop saying that you stupid idi- *the boy looks up* oh...

Ash: Sorry. Did I harm you? Hey, you're mad? Please don't get mad at me. I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!

Serena: (oh my god he looks so cute, I could pinch those cheeks of him. Oh my god, he has muscle. Oh my god oh my god OH MY GODDDD!!!!)

Ash: Uh, hello?

Serena: Yeah, I'm fine.

*Ash got bullied scene*

Serena: Well it's time to bully other kids to get some lunch money and- wait, is there a wrestling match over there? *runs to the scene* Oh no, Ash...

Bully: Now are you going to give us your lunch money?

Serena: HEY! I should be the one who takes his lunch money!

Bully: Oh hey, it's Serena, the girl that I'm sure I'll get beaten up by her

Serena: You know it! Now let the boy go (so I can bully him)


Serena: Too late, fatso! *delivers a kick to the bully*

Bully: OUCH! *starts crying* I'll... I'LL TELL MY MOM! *runs away*

Serena: And everyone else... FHUG OFF! HE BEAT UP A KID, NOT JUSTIN BIEBER!

Ash: Serena, I-

Serena: Oh my gosh, you have a bruise. Let me check it *checks the arm* (Oh my god I can feel his muscle. Oh my, it's so strong and stiff, oh boy, I like rubbing the bandage on it...)

Ash: Uh, Serena, you're alright?

Serena: Yeah, I'm fine. Now it's my time to bully you

*school bell rings*

Serena: (God damn it)

Ash: What did you say again?

Serena: Ignore it. Let's just go to class, baka

*chapter 2*

Mr. Birch: Ketchum, can you tell me when did World War II begin?

Serena: Uh, aren't you a Chemistry teacher?

Mr. Birch: Fanfic logic. No one care about this anyway. The readers just here to see you two kiss...

Jay: Too soon!

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