Chapter One

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Amie's hands clasped together behind his neck as she moved to lie over him, his kissed sinking lower and lower on her body. She sighed heavily as the alarm rang for the second time that morning, "Babe?" Jacob looked, "It's 6:15." She smiled, he looked to her "6:15." He repeated getting out the bed, "Hey, I'll make dinner tonight, no arguments." He winked making his way to the shower.

The warm water cascaded down his toned body, as he dispersed the soap all over, it quickly washing away as the water ran down him. He got out drying himself off and pulling his suit on.

He came out the bathroom and kissed Amie's temple delicately, "I'll see you later." He breathed. Walking to grab the bike helmete. "I don't think so... it's pouring it down." Amie stated sleepily, he slowly removed his hand away from it and walked out the flat.

He walked in the pouring ran, his clothes stuck to him as the water flooded the streets. His phone began to ring, he quickly answered "James... Yeah... I'm on it the west coast will still be up... Well I'll call Phil." He called out for a taxi walking into the road, with out looking.

His head jolted to his left as he heard the tires screeching against the floor, it hit him. The Motorbike. Not that he knew it yet, for Jacob, it was black feeling nothing but pain that stabbed through him.

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